Suicide Mission Part 2

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Afghanistan, Taliban Base

Derek POV

You and your squad were moving towards the base. As you got closer you pulled your fist up and everyone stopped.

Derek: Robert, Bulldog, I want you two to split left once we get into the base. There's an anti air turret on a tower towards the center. Need you boys to go around and take it out.

Bulldog: You got it sir.

You moved closer to the closed gate and stood against the wall. As you got closer to the gate, you tapped your helmet and Robert moved forward with a charge. He placed the charge on the gate and got back in line. He pulled out the detonator and pressed it, an explosion rang through your ears and when you looked back at the gate there was a large hole in it. You quickly moved in through the gate and began to fire at anyone you saw while quickly taking cover.

Derek: NATO, we're gonna need an air evac once that anti air turret is destroyed!

NATO: We'll have it.

Mickey: Fuck I can't get a clear shot on any of them.

Derek: Oh I'll give you a clear shot.

You took one of your grenades from your vest and pulled the pin. You lobbed it towards most of the cover and it detonated. Destroying their cover and revealing 6 Taliban soldiers who were quickly picked off by Mickey with his marksman rifle.

Mickey: Thanks.

Derek: Dont mention it, now keep pushing forward.

You got out of cover and gunned down 3 more soldiers before getting closer to the main building.

Derek: *on radio* Robert how are we looking on that tower.

Robert: *on radio* Theres about to be a show.

You heard an explosion in the distance and when you looked over the tower was crumbling down towards your location.

Derek: Everybody move!

You all quickly ran out of the way from the collapsing tower.

Robert: *on radio* You guys enjoy the show?

Mickey: *on radio* Robert you as- *coughs* asshole, your show almost killed us.

Robert: *on radio* Well you're still alive so-

Derek: *on radio* Just get the fuck down here.

Robert: *on radio* On it.

Derek: Mickey.

Mickey: Yea?

Derek: Do me a favor and shoot the guy hiding in the tent.

Mickey pointed his marksman rifle at a tent and shot a round into it and a body fell.

Mickey: How the fu-

Derek: Piece of shit was hiding there for awhile, saw him run in there the second I ran through the gate.

Robert and Bulldog quickly caught up to the rest of your squad outside of the compound.

Bulldog: So what are we expecting?

Derek: A shit load of gunfire. Whatever is inside, they don't want us to get it.

You walked up to a door and it was locked.

Derek: Yea they definitely don't want us in there. Bulldog shoot the hinges, I'll kick the door open.

Bulldog: With pleasure.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now