This is the Night

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Flaahback 2 years ago.

Derek POV

All you could see was darkness. The only thing you knew was that you were alive and you could here the voices of your squad.

Mickey: Locust is still out.

Bulldog: Robert watch your left.

Robert: I can see that!

Lt. Miller: Dont let u-

Mickey: Lieutenant!

Bulldog: What's his status!

Mickey: He's dead!

Robert: Fuck! You braindead fucktards you're fighting the wrong people!

You opened your eyes and looked to see the three firing into ongoing hordes of russian ultranationalists coming towards the crashed helicopter. You looked at your hands to see your gloves torn and your hands bloody.

Mickey: Jesus Christ Derek is up.

You looked towards bulldog and you saw an M4A1 on the ground. You crawled over and picked it up and started to make an attenpt to fire back. When the gun clicked empty Bulldog yelled to you.

Bulldog: Derek here... I got one mag for you. *tosses you magazine*

You caught it and put it into the M4A1 and began to fire again until it clicked empty.

Mickey: So this is how it all ends.

Bulldog: I guess it is.

You all were waiting for the worst to happen until you saw a bright light. Thats when everything changed...

Back to present

IQ: *snapping her fingers* Derek... you there? Earth to Derek.

Derek: Huh?

Mickey: Really dude, these again?

IQ: Wait... again?

Mickey: We all go through it from time to time. We cant forget those days. It was like hell came to the U.S.

IQ: So you all have PTSD.

Mickey: We wouldnt consider it PTSD, more like just memories we all wanna forget but cant.

Sledge: Well next time that happens talk to one of us.

Mickey: That stuff doesnt work like that. Theres just things people dont wanna bring up and even when they do, it doesnt help in the end. Hell Patch over here tried doing psychology and that shit didnt work one bit.

Patch: *chuckles* Yea, no matter how much therapy i gave them, nothing worked.

Derek: It's just something that cant be fixed. You've gotta understand that.

IQ: Still though, no one should go through that kind of stuff.

Speaker: Can operators Lion, Sledge, Blitz, Thatcher, and Maverick come to briefing room 1.

The operstors left and that just left the rest in the room.

Ela: so... got any funny stories.

Robert: Well Cpl. Dumbass here didnt know you had to add water to an MRE when he got one and ate it dry.

Mickey: Well how was I supoosed to know.

Robert: *laughs* It said it on the package you stupid fuck.

Mickey: Hold on can we not forget about 17 year old Derek, straight out of basic. Decides to not grip a 50 Cal. right and ended up letting go of the gun and it hitting the Sergeant.

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