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Hereford Base

Mute POV:

Today was just like any other day, same schedule as before except today we were gonna be getting a new batch of recruits and no one was happy about it. Every recruit they've recruited has always been an asshole who thinks they're better than everyone because they're a part of rainbow. As you entered the cafeteria you got your breakfast and sat at the S.A.S table.

Thatcher: mornin Lad.

You: Mornin.

Thatcher: get good sleep?

You: Nods*

Sledge: So you boys hear we getting more recruits?

Thatcher: Yea, more greenies which means more assholes.

Smoke: tell me about it, I remember one kept on taking my toxic babes.

Sledge: Aye, there was also that group that couldnt get past montagne so they just beat the hell out of his shield.

I guess people overheard our conversation because next thing we knew people were chiming into the conversation.

Bandit: There was also those damn recruits who kept stealing my drugs.

IQ: Lets not forget that every single recruit we get always thinks they have a chance with the girls?

Buck: One prick kept on throwing maple syrup at me and Tina and talking with a terrible Canadian accent.

Speakers: couod all operators report to the cafeteria that are not already there?

Thatcher: guess we're getting them right now.

Sledge: aye.

After a few minutes every operator was in the cafeteria. Harry walked up to the little stage they had for announcements and begun speaking.

Harry: As many of you know the fight against the white mask threat isnt getting any easier, we need all the help we can get. That's why today we have new recruits.

As he said this a line of recruits came up all looking the same except for one. And just like what everyone thought, they all had smug looks on their face like they owned the place, except for the one who had a different uniform. He just had a blank stare that showed no emotion.

Harry: I hope you treat just as well as you treat yourselves among eachother, if you have any questions please ask now.

No one said anything because they didnt really care to ask anything abiut the recruits becauee they were the same as the others. However you just kept on thinking looking at the one recruit who was different than the rest. Unlike the others, you can only see his eyes, his uniform was different then the standard recruit gear, and the only name in the files you were given was 'Locust'.

Harry: If there arent any questions then i'll start to head to my office.

With that, Harry left and the recruits started to be like the rest.

Derek POV:

After Harry left i really didnt know what to do, the operators didnt seem to care too much about new recruits, but they also didnt seem to thrilled to have more. The other recruits went wild though, going up and hitting on the women, trying to seem like they were good enough to be an operator, just being a nuisance. I kept to myself however, i dont want to be like the rest. Even if my team doesnt appreciate me, i'll still be there for them when they need me.

As you started to walk to get food there was one S.A.S. operator who kept on eyeing you down, as a matter of fact alot of operators were looking at you, silently judging you. There werent anymore recruits in the cafeteria it was just you and the operators.

You grabbed your food and went to an empty secluded table and sat down. You lifted to your mask enough so your mouth was barely exposed to keep your identity as closely hidden as possible.

It was odd eating while people stopped their conversations just to silently stare at you with the occasional glares. While looking around you set your sights on a fairly old S.A.S operator, he had a gas mask on his side and looked like to be the most experienced out of everyone here.

Thatcher: who do you think you're looking at. *he barks*

You quickly shift your gaze back down towards your table which you can then hear a few laughs from tables.

Derek: thought* jeez what did the recruits do here that made them just hate every single one they get.

You decided you had enough of it and just sat up, put your tray backa nd started walking out of the cafeteria, but not after having to move out of the way because a german operator tried to trip you.

You started heading towards your dorm where you then opened the door and immediately closed and locked it. You were pretty tired already from the flight, so you got out of your gear into more casual clothes still wearing your balaclava since you enjoyed your privacy and didnt trust anyone right now. You laid down on your bed and slowly drifted to sleep, thinking about what's gonna happen with your life in the coming days.

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