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Wildseed Cafè, Singapore

Date: July 14th, 2021

Franklin POV

You took a sip of your coffee before placing it back on the table. You looked down the street before looking across the table

Patch: Robert, the fuck are you doing?

He peaked his head up above the newspaper that was in his hands

Demo: What does it look like I'm doing? I'm playing the part.

Patch: You realize we conceal our faces almost everyday right?

Demo: Yea?

Patch: So get rid of the fuckin paper and help me scout.

Demo: Man, why do I get the boring jobs.

Patch: My last mission was supposed to be like this, next thing I know I'm sprinting for dear life after stealing back a chick from bandits.

Demo: I miss the simpler times.

Patch: Don't we fucking all.

Demo: Time sure does fly by.

Patch: Just keep your eyes open for the target.

Demo: Wonder how the rooks are doin.

Patch: I'm sure they're having just as much fun as we are.

Nighthaven Base; Singapore

Date: July 14th, 2021

Derek POV

You stepped off the Osprey and stared towards the small base in the middle of the island. You felt a nudge on your shoulder and you turned to Sean

Mickey: This should be fun, right.

Derek: Well shit can get pretty deep. We are in the heart of our enemies.

Mickey: Not exactly a heart, a laboratory containing a shit load of intel and where they're training a new batch of "recruits".

Derek: They must think something's off if they're training recruits here.

Mickey: Yea, best to stay vigilant.

???: Pickens, Harvey. Get your asses on this line, now!

You moved to the other recruits in line and stood with them

Myers: First order of business today, we welcome you to your new home for the next couple of weeks while we get you up to par with Nighthaven standards. Today we will get you in uniform and test your accuracy. Afterwards, we'll show you your temporary barracks until you are moved back to the rig in the South China Sea. Now let's move!

You walked into the laboratory and was given a uniform. You were with Sean while putting on your vest, you turned your head and saw a woman with what seemed like green hair at the end of the room. You looked a bit longer before she turned over and noticed it was Ela. You quickly turned your head towards Sean.

Derek: Get your shit on and put on a balaclava.

Mickey: Why?

Derek: They're here.

Mickey: So what? They don't know what we look like.

Derek: Ela does dipshit.

Mickey: Oh fuck she's here?

Derek: Yes, now put on a balaclava and change the pitch of your voice.

Mickey: What about you? You have that fucking scar near your eye.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now