Lambs to the Slaughter

497 5 4

Hereford Base; Briefing Room one

June 20th, 2021

Derek POV

You stood in front of the table infront of Harry as you tried to get access to getting back your trainees.

Derek: Several men were spotted in the visual feed. They don't look like much. Maybe a bullet or two can make them reconsider their actions.

Harry: Thats several that we saw. Who knows how many there are and who they are.

You slammed your fist onto the table while in the middle of the argument

Derek: I don't give a damn about not knowing the threat. I'm going out there and getting my trainees back.

Harry: With the situation of healing and also the ever growing feud between us and Nighthaven. I need you here at all times.

Derek: Oh no no no. You got them into that situation, now I'm going to get them out of it. Because if I have to spend another second listening to you bitch about NightHaven taking your Ops on field trips. I'm going to start losing my shit.

Harry: You need to calm down.

Derek: Calm down? You kept reassuring to me that my recruits were going to be "safe and fast" on this mission. Pretty shit lookout if you ask me.

Harry: I'm sure if you just sit down and we wait and plan, we'll get them back. You can't throw yourself in front of everything.

You took a second to take a deep breath and calm your head before looking back at Harry.

Derek: I understand that you want to take things slow and make sure things are efficient, but you need to understand that these are my recruits. They're young, scared. I can't just sit back and let every minute pass by while they're experiencing hell. They have a life they want to live, I can't just let them get traumatized. Since they're part of Rainbow in the recruit program, I need you to give me the clearance to this Operation.

Harry sat down in his chair and let out a stressful sigh.

Harry: Alright Lt., Operation Retrieve Omaha is a go. Get your men and be ready to leave as soon as possible.

Derek: Will do sir.

You turned around to leave but Harry told you to stop. You stood at the doorway and looked back at him.

Harry: If any Injuries pop up while on this mission, just know I told you so.

Derek: If it means they can come back safe and unscathed. I could give less of a damn about my own state.

You left the briefing room and headed to the cafeteria to get your squad. You walked over to the table and they all looked up at you.

Mickey: You get clearance?

Derek: Yea, I'm gonna need you and Franklin for this mission.

Demo: What about the rest of us?

Derek: I need you guys here in case anything else pops up. I'm putting you in charge if that happens.

Demo: Deal, that's all I needed to hear.

Patch: You *would* be the one to get aroused when you're given leadership.

Demo: Yea? First order of business is get on all four and lick my boot.

Derek: Hey, you're all independent while at base, but if a mission pops up Robert Is in charge. Copy?

Demo: Heard.

Derek: Alright, you two, lets go to R&D to see if my gear is fixed and then head out.

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