Derek's Short Announcement (Not a real chapter)

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Hereford Base; Firing Range

July 2nd, 2021

3rd Person POV

A table was set up just in front of the firing range with Derek and Sean both sitting behind it while wearing a dress shirt and tie with a camera not too far with Mark standing behind it

Derek: Good evening everyone

Mickey: Wonderful weather we're having in Sunnyside Hereford Base.

Derek: It's fucking pouring.

Mickey: Yea, it's a hypotenuse dipshit.

Derek: Dont you mean sarcasm?

Mickey: You're still correcting my sarcasm like a dumbass.

Derek: Besides telling you to go fuck yourself, we have a very important announcement to make.

Mickey: Yes... what was the announcement again?

Derek: Just look at the teleprompter.

Mickey: There is no teleprompter.

Derek: Huh.... must be the alcohol then.

Mickey: So what is the announcement, I was never told anything about an announcement.

Derek: That was the announcement.

Mickey: What, that you're drunk?

Derek: Yea.

Mickey: So you're telling me I'm sitting out here in the pouring ass rain just so you can look at a camera and say that you're drunk.

Derek: Yes.

Mickey: We aren't even fully clothed, you just handed me a dress shirt and said to sit at this table. I'm not even wearing fucking pants. Hell, this tie is just a clip-on.

Derek: But yes, I'm drunk as shit.

Mickey: It's 9:30 in the morning.

Derek: 5 o'clock somewhere.

Mickey: I thought you told us to stay ready when it came to being at work.

Derek: Marius is high off coke whenever he flies, I think I'll be fine rappelling or firing a weapon while cranked off Cherry Vodka shots.

Mickey: You are seriously going to be the death of me.

Derek: Can we just get back to business.

Mickey: What fucking business, we are sitting here in the fucking rain. You're drunk, I'm sleep deprived. What other business is there to discuss, why did even agree to this.

Derek: Probably because of the Polaroid incident.

Mickey: Oh big deal, you saw a bit of my wang.

Derek: Its the fact you took two separate photos and combined them to make your dick look bigger was the issue.

Mickey: You don't do that?

Derek: Who takes a cock shot with a fucking Polaroid.

Mickey: Can we just cut to commercial?

Derek: We aren't even funded, we do this shit for free. Now uh... light this Dutch.

Mickey: Yea, let me light it with my waterproof fire. The thing is already soaked.

Derek: I think it'll burn still.

Mickey: You'd have a better chance eating it.

Derek: Should've bought the Gummi bears.

Mickey: Yea, and let you eat all 10? You wouldn't be in this plane of existence if you did.

Derek: I would transcend into God-hood. Like Compton.

Mickey: You make no God damn sense.

Derek: Why would I make a dam? Unless you're talking about Victoria Secrets "Great Flood" once I walk in, we ain't gonna need a damn. You'll be swimming in that.

Mickey: I swim in a more.... controlled environment.

Derek: Where, the ocean?

Mickey: What're you implying.

Derek: That it's just straight up salt down there.

Mickey: Next op we're in, watch the back of your head.

NATO: Hey I don't mean to be that guy, but can we get this thing rolling or towards the end? I kinda have a date later.

Derek: Ain't no fucking way you have a date with your 5'11 ass.

NATO: Says the one sulking about his dead girlfriend.

Mickey: Alright that one was just low.

NATO: Don't even get me started with you, Robert paid me $1500 just to tap into your phone for pics of your fiancé.

Mickey: Huh!?!

NATO: He got curious, nice dick by the way.

Mickey: I'm going to strangle you both.

Sean stood up from the table and bolted it towards Mark who started to run inside the base. Derek still stood at the table facing the camera

Derek: Well I guess this ends this weeks segment on whatever the fuck we decide to talk about. I'm your host Keemstar.... and this has been the kill count.

Derek stood up from the table and took one step before losing his balance and falling on top of the table. The table broke in half and he fell to the ground and continued to lay there until a set of feet came into view of the camera.

Mute: Drunk weather forecast again?

Derek: Mhm.

Mute: Alright lad, lets get you back to your room.

Mark walked over and helped Derek stand up as the two started to walk away

Derek: Was this week's forecast good?

Mute: It was better than last week's....

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