A Day Off

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Hereford Base; Firing Range

Derek POV

You watched as targets went up and quickly went down as you squeezed the trigger of your HK. Your gun clicked empty so you flicked the magazine out and put a new one in and primed it. You felt a tap on your shoulder and saw Mickey.

Derek: What do you want.

Mickey: What, your day off and this is how you're spending it?

Derek: Gotta get my mind off of it somehow.

Mickey: Are you still on about that dream?

You put the safety on and laid your HK down on the table and looked at Mickey.

Derek: Yes, nothing made sense in it.

Mickey: You still beat the shit out of Robert.

Derek: Because I did find out that most of Rainbows budget that he earned went to onlyfans subscriptions. Like holy shit how can you spend over 4 grand on onlyfans subscriptions.

Mickey: Mans just down deep.

Derek: One of them was NikokadoAvocados! Why the fuck would he want to see that!

Mickey: Maybe he was curious.

Derek: Its just nasty.

Mickey: Ok, just don't be here all day.

Derek: I'm not.

Mickey walked away and you picked you HK back up. You clicked the safety off and pressed a button so targets started coming up again. You heard commotion but decided to ignore it.

IQ: Hey Colt!

Derek: Hi.

IQ: Woah, you seem like you're in a bad mood.

Derek: Because I am *looks over and sees a group of 6* who are they?

IQ: These are the people that won a small Rainbow tournament that we funded.

Derek: Why're there six of them?

IQ: Ones the coach.

Derek: Ok.

IQ: Anyways, this is Colt, he's the leader of our new Task Force unit. *whispers* He's not usually this cranky.

Derek: I heard that Blondie.

IQ: Whats got you in such a mood?

Derek: I'm angry because, I have to sit here, at base, instead of on the field, finding the other two shithead masks that killed my parents. So I'm quite peachy right now.

You continued firing at the targets until you heard Monika again.

IQ: Hey, I think you were alittle off on that one.

Derek: *grits teeth* I noticed.

Gamer kid: Maybe he should check his recoil control.

You didn't say a word, you just put your HK down. Took off your glasses, looked at the kid, pressed the button and a target popped up. You unholstered your glock and unloaded a mag into the target while staring at him. Once the gun clicked empty, you put the glock down and pressed the button to bring the target forward. All of the bullets were near the bullseye.

Derek: Take it to heart kid, stick to a mouse and dont hold a gun. Cause God damn i'm not gonna be the one teaching you how to shoot.

You grabbed your glock from the table and holstered it and grabbed your HK and started to walk away.

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