The Stealth Op Part 2

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Alder Swamp, Denmark      7:56 PM

Derek POV

You just arrived at Alder Swamp where you and Nokk were then dropped off. You began too move towards the cabin all while remaining hidden as best as possible. While you stuck to more shallow areas while also bledning inwith vines and moss, Nokk took the more wet approach and was going to deeper areas to go find another place of entry.

Derek: *On comms* I'm gonna try to find an opening to go through the front, either you can do the same or find another way to get inside. From where I am right now I see an opening to a cellar towards the back of the cabin, you could go through there while I clear the top.

Nokk: Good to know, once we go in dont follow me.

Derek: Well if we have to meet up I will. If you need help contact me.

You turned off your comms and started to make your way to the front of the cabin. There were two White Masks patrolling the front porch. You slowly made your way to them and in one motion pointed your gun at them and took them both out. Before you moved into the cabin you hid their bodies just incase anymore came by. you slowly opened the door and moved inside as silently as possible. You noticed that there was a White Mask sitting on a chair in the kitchen and unsheathed your knife and grabbed him while slitting his throat. You laid him down beside the counter and kept on moving through the cabin checking every room you walked by and killing and masks that were in the rooms. You finished sweeping upstairs and found nothing so you turned your comms on again to see if Nokk found anything.

Derek: *On comms* I've cleared upstairs and found nothing up here, you find anything in the cellars yet?

Nokk: Nothing yet, but there's a steel door that I'm approaching now.

Derek: Alright, stay there I'm on my way.

You turned the comms off and headed towards a door that lead down to the cellars you walked down the stairs and met up with Nokk outside of the steel door.

Derek: There's no one upstairs so we can go in loud if you want. You got that hard breach right?

Nokk: Nods*

Derek: Alright, can you place it on the door?

Nokk took out her hard breaching gadget and placed it on the door and pulled the pin. The fuze went around in a circle until it reached the top and detonated. You tossed a flashbang and as soon as it went off you and Nokk walked in and took out the masks inside the room.

Derek: Alright lets start checking to see if they have anything. While I'm at it I'll contact Jager to start heading back.

Nokk: I think I found something.

Derek Alright keep looking into it and download it into the file. *on Comms* Jager, we've got the intel, start heading towards the cabin.

Jager: *On Comms* I'm on my way now. ETA is 10 minutes.

Derek: *On comms* Alright, Locust out. *to Nokk* You got the files?

Nokk: All in the drive.

Derek: That's good to know, Jager'll be here in 10 minutes.

Nokk: That reminds me, why the name Locust.

Derek: It was a name given to me while I was serving. I was never a leader, however when it put ontoo me, my whole behaviour changed, almost like a locust. Same thing with how the enemy saw me and my squads. When they went to interrogate a terrorist for information, he described the attack as a swarm, even though there were only 6 of us.

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