
665 9 4

Miami, Florida

June 11th, 2021

Demo POV

You rushed over to Derek who was unconscious and rolled him over. You saw the glass shard in his leg and noticed he was bleeding heavily from his chest.

Demo: Patch get your ass over here quick!

You heard footsteps come from behind you as Franklin slid across to Dereks other side.

Patch: I can block the bleeding for now but we need to get him and Mickey back to base ASAP.

Demo: Just do what you have to do.

He examined the shard on his leg and looked down at his hands and looked back up at you.

Patch: You have thicker gloves than me, I'm gonna hold his leg down and you're gonna have to pull the shard out.

Demo: Can't we just leave it in until we get back?

Patch: No we can't leave it in, as possible as it is, leaving the shard in his leg will only do more damage with moving him. It can break and next thing we know, he has tiny shards in his leg that I'd have to dig out.

He held down Dereks leg as you placed both of your hands on the glass shard.

Patch: On the count of 3, pull it out. 1...2...3

You pulled the shard out as Patch quickly reached into his bag and grabbed gauze pads and bandages.

Demo: Is that seriously all you fucking have!?!

Patch: What do you think I've been using this whole time, this is shit Mira packed in my uniform, she doesn't know shit about medical work. She needs to keep her Spanish ass in the shop.

Demo: Just focus on stopping the bleeding.

Patch: I can't stop the bleeding, best I can do is slow it down until we get back.

Demo: And how are you going to do that.

Patch: By Jamming this pad into his bullet wound and gash and then wrapping it. It should clog it until we get him back to the medical wing.

You heard footsteps and when you looked it was John.

Bulldog: Got the white sons of bitches hightailing it out of here. They don't know what to do after losing their boss.

Demo: Whats our ETA for our Evac.

Bulldog: Not long, Valks on her way back now with the chopper. How is he.

Patch: Same as Mick, he's critical and we need Valk here now.

You stared at Dereks unconscious body as you looked over at the dead Miller and back at him.

Demo: Hang on just one more time bud...

Timeskip: 25 hours later.

Hereford Base; Medical Wing

Derek POV

You opened your eyes to see a bright light. You squinted your eyes as you slowly adjusted and then fully opened them. You looked over to your left and saw an IV tube running into your arm and on another bed you saw Mickey sleeping. The door across the room opened to reveal both Franklin and Gustave. They closed the door and looked over at you awake.

Doc: You're awake, that's good.

Derek: What happened?

Patch: Shortly after blacking out back in Miami, we had you and Sean Evac'd outta there and brought back to base and got that bullet in your chest removed.

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