Bravo Squad is Back

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Hereford Base

Derek POV

You woke up to the sounds of the speakers going off asking for all operators and recruits Locust to go the cafeteria. You got up and walked into the cafeteria. Just like when you arrived Harry was up front on a little stage.

Harry: This was very short noticed, but I would like to welcome our newest recruits to Team Rainbow.

Ela: I sure as hell hope they're like Locust over here.

Harry: That is why I called him in here aswell. Locust, you might know them very well. Come on in.

After he said this, 5 men walked in and stood at attention.

Bulldog: Well if it isnt the Bravo 2-1 himself.

Derek: Harry you son of a bitch.

Mickey: Long time no see Lt.

Everyone looked at you and back to them.

Ela: Wait, you're a Lieutenant? I thought you were a sergeant.

Derek: That recording was 2 years ago when I was a sergeant. Now what are you guys doing here I thought you guys were stationed back in Afghanistan.

Patch: We all got invited to become recruits in Rainbow. We all knew you were here so we decided to accept the offer.

Harry: It was my idea to bring them all in since you were fairly acquinted with them.

Derek: So Bravo Squad is back in business.

Mickey: Hehe, You already know it is.

Harry: I'll give you guys time to have a reunion. If you need me I'll be in my office.

Harry walked out of the cafeteria and the room was silent. The five were standing on the stage and began to walk down and everyone was looking at you.

Derek: *looking around* What.

IQ: Well you gonna introduce them?

Derek: Oh yea where are my manners. *clears throat* They're just like me so be kind to them aswell.

Ela: that's relieving.

Derek: Anyways, *points to Mickey* this is Cpl. Sean Freeman or "Mickey". After our time in Washington D.C. he took up training in Marksmanship. Give this man a sniper rifle and a picture and he'll get the job done.

Mickey: It's nice to be able to meet you guys.

Glaz: Ah good another sniper. We'll have good times yes?

Mickey: indeed we will.

Derek: Next up *points to Patch* Private First Class Franklin Castel or "Patch". He was the medic of our squad. He knows his way around Human anatomy and when you're injured and need assistance, you knew who would be there for you. He'll get along well with you Gustave.

Patch: Gustave, I've seen your work. And I have to say I'm quite impressed.

Doc: Always good to have another medic on the field.

Derek: *points to Bulldog* Staff Sergeant John Bradford or "Bulldog". He was the brute force. Skilled in Light Machine Guns and holding positions. You need cover fire, you contact him.

Bulldog: I'm your covering fire when you need me.

Derek: *points to NATO* This is Mark Welsh or "NATO" Skilled in communications and even more skilled in hacking. Firewalls, Viruses, enemy intel that is safeguarded, there is nothing he cant get through.

Dokkaebi:We'll be having a good time wont we?

NATO: oh we will.

Derek: last but not least *points to robert* Sergeant Robert Grand, we just called him Robert. He's just like me. You need someone to follow orders from, he's the man you will want to listen to.

Sledge: How come he didnt get a name.

Derek: Man was always basic hehe.

Robert: Basic? You mean a better man than you.

Derek: hehe, Oh please we both know you shut your mouth when I started talking.

Ela: So now that we know their names. I think it's fair to know yours.

Derek: Lieutenant Derek Westbrook or "Locust".

Mickey: Still a man of mystery I see.

Derek: You know me so well.

Mickey: So when do we see some action.

Derek: You will in time. But for now just get to know these people because you'll be seeing them for a while. You'll also get free time every now and then so you'll be able to see your girl again.

Mickey: That's relieving to know.

Derek: I'll be back. Treat them with reosect and they'll give you the same back. Understood?

Bravo squad: Sir yes sir.

You walked out and went towards your dorm again. You took out your guitar after getting it back and decided to relieve some stress by playing one of your favorite songs.

(Just the guitar here dont worry about the drums or vocals)

Aftwr you finished that you put it away and headed back towards the cafeteria. When you walked back in you saw your squad getting along fairly well with the rest of the operators. This put a smile on your face. You were glad to see Bravo squad back... and better than ever.

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