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Hereford Base; Medical Wing

August 23rd, 2021

Derek POV

You opened your eyes to only be blinded by the bright lights in the room. You blinked a few more times before looking around the room to see Gustave in his usual spot. He heard the movement you made in the bed and got up from his chair and walked over to you while carrying a clipboard

Doc: How'd you sleep?

Derek: Like a baby in a car, what happened?

Doc: We'll after the explosion happened, you and Mark were both relocated to the nearest hospital. There they did their best to treat your wounds until we came to pick you up. I'll try to keep the details brief, but you should be thankful to Elena for the gear she gave you. It's the only reason why you and Mark are still breathing.

He lifted a paper over the folder and looked at another sheet

Doc: I'd keep it short but... you have a minor skull fracture, minor concussion somehow, 3 bruised ribs, your left forearm is fractured, and you are covered in cuts and bruises.

Derek: So... how long till I'm out?

Doc: Safe to say you're gonna be out of commission for a couple months.

Derek: Well this is just great... how bad was it there?

Doc: The stage was destroyed but besides that, the blast radius wasn't large. You and Mark were the only two caught by the blast.

Derek: That's a relief atleast.

Doc: Tell me about it, you had the girls worried sick. Honestly got my own migraine after having them swing by every 30 minutes asking, "how are they" and then proceeding to ask 30 more questions before saying they can't be in this room anymore because their anxiety is going through the roof. Ava accidentally kicked the glass sliding door down the hall because she ran out.

Derek: That... sounds like them.

Doc: And since they're youre responsibility, you're paying for it.

Derek: Gustave, come on man, we're buddies.

Doc: I know, I just tried to play a simple joke.

Derek: Gustave, never make a bad joke like that again.

October 27th, 2021

Hereford Base; Harry's Office

You opened the door to Harry's office and sat down in a seat across from him. He leaned back in his chair and put his fingers together

Harry: How have you been feeling lately Derek?

Derek: A lot better than two months ago that's for sure.

Harry: Good, so what is it that you needed?

Derek: Just something small, more the less thinking about relocating Task Force 052.

Harry: Oh? And where would you want to be relocated to?

Derek: That black mask base that was abandoned in Missouri. Place is perfect to have our own little base to freelance work.

Harry: Why do you wish to freelance?

Derek: There hasn't been a big threat to Rainbow ever since Talons black mask group crumbled. Rainbow has no need having a Task Force pulled to the side. With this base, we'd be able to work throughout the U.S.

Harry: And if a threat ever arises?

Derek: We'd still be dedicated to Rainbow. So once 052 is called upon again, we'll be ready.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now