First Round

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Quebec, Canada; Stadium

You approached the large stadium as you put the car in park. You all got out of the vehicle and took a second to take in the size of the place.

Mickey: Holy shit this place is massive.

Patch: Harry did say that it is large enough to hold anyone from each country.

Derek: Come on, lets get inside and get our stuff ready.

You all started to walk inside the stadium and as you made your way towards the main building in the center. Harry was standing in the middle admiring the place with Sam.

Derek: I don't believe we've ever met *puts hand out* Lt. Derek Westbrook.

Sam pulled up his hand and you both gave a firm handshake.

Zero: I've heard alot about you guys from Harry, Sam Fisher.

Derek: I've heard alot about you aswell. Was a big fan of yours since I was just a little boy.

Ashley: Who is this guy?

Derek: This is Sam Fisher, THE Sam Fisher. The splinter cell operative who was a one man army.

Sam: That was during my prime. Now I'm just an old man.

Derek: Oh I've read the files during your first training day with some of the operators, you are still very much in your prime.

Harry: You should all be getting to know your playing field. Because you'll be the first round, your match will be in an hour. Any questions?

Demo: So how much of the playing field can be destroyed?

Harry: Prefer to keep it at a minimum, but do as much as you like.

Demo: Ok, now I'm excited.

Derek: Careful what you say Harry, this dude gets a boner whenever he finds out he can blow stuff up.

Harry: Just don't kill anyone or cause collateral damage.

Demo: I wont sir.

Harry: Thats good to hear, your locker room is over to the right of the building. Start preparing.

Derek: Yes sir.

Timeskip 30 minutes

You were in the locker room putting your old gear on

You were in the locker room putting your old gear on

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Mickey: Havent seen you wearing that for years now.

Derek: If it protects against sand or ash, it fits best.

You looked over and noticed Ashley still wasn't in gear.

Derek: Ashley what are you waiting for?

Ashley:I'm not about to get changed in front of a bunch of guys.

Derek: Why didn't you put the under layer on first.

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