Lieutenant vs Lieutenant

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Date: June 11th, 3:25 PM

Location: Hereford Base

Mute POV

News reporter: Recent reports in Miami have shown that the masks were triumphant in their defense against Rianbows taskforce and also the notorious group of mercenaries known as the Apex Predators. After a recent firefight that ensued at the Espresso Bar near Public Square. The two squads were both taken captive and from a recent statement, are planned to be publicly executed. Once the masks left the scene we were only told by a bystander hiding in their home tha-

Mute: Turn it off.

News reporter: And through a last ditch effort to put all of the force on himself, is said to be...

Mute: I said, turn. It. Off.

News reporter: Killed in action.

You gripped your mug and threw it at the T.V.

Mute: How many times do I have to tell you braindead cunts, TO TURN OF-

Ela: Derek?

You all turned to see Ela standing at the doorway staring at the broken T.V.

Ela: He's... dead?

Mute: Ela, don't believe the news.

She backed away from the entrance and ran off. You balled your fist irritated as you looked over at Dom holding the remote and lifted your finger up.

Mute: This is why, when I say turn it off. You turn it off.

You exited the room in search of Ela.

Mute: Theres no way in hell, he's dead.

Derek POV

You opened your eyes to find out you were surrounded by darkness. Feeling as if you were drifting through a void. That was until you heard the crackling of a fire. The flame lit up and you saw a figure sitting next to it, poking it with a stick.

Frank: Fancy seeing you hear.

Derek: Dad?

Frank: Yea, sit down, fires just getting started.

You walked over and sat down on a tree stump across from him.

Derek: What is this place?

Frank: Well after you took that shot directly in the chest, your body shut down as a means of keeping you alive. Your self conscious thought that this was the best idea to let your mind wake up in a comfortable environment.

Derek: So, like an afterlife?

Frank: Pretty much, yea.

Derek: So why here exactly. Why am I talking to you while sitting next to a fire?

Frank: Well, this fire represents your life.

He poked the logs as ashes flew from the fire.

Frank: The more I poke at it, the more it feeds, the stronger it gets. However if I don't move it around. It'll slowly diminish and be nothing more then a pile of ash. In reality, you should be dead. But this fire, your will as you might put it. Burned brighter then the fire around you.

Derek: What did Miller mean by "That one was for your father"

Frank: He served under my command back in '86. He was just a Lance Corporal at that time so he let his ranking get ahead of himself. Gave him psychotic ideas.

Derek: Psychotic in what way?

Frank: He thought the best way to beat the enemy. Was throwing everything we had at them. He wanted men to charge in blindly, use nuclear warfare as a means of showing power.... I called him a madman. He would only listen to his own credibility when missions were a success. However, he would always add a sprinkle of lies to make himself sound better.

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