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Hereford Base; Russian Dorm

Derek POV

You were handed a shot glass of vodka by Timur as you took off your balaclava and drank the shot. It'd been awhile since you drank vodka with the Russians so the taste was strong. You put the shot glass down as Timur filled it up again.

Tachanka: One day comrade, we will be having you drink straight from the bottle.

Derek: I don't have Russian blood in me, so I doubt I'll ever get that far. But I'll just stick to shot glasses.

You drank the vodka from the shot glass as you filled it up again.

Derek: That reminds me, Maxim. What the actual fuck did you and Tina do.

Kapkan: As she already told you, we Russians are a bit crazy. I take it you had an encounter with her.

Derek: Yea, she was rough, and it lasted for nearly 2 hours. She didn't give me enough time in between periods to recharge.

Kapkan: You're welcome for that.

Derek: Yea, so when are we going to get you your first time Eric.

TheDooo: why am I being brought up?

Grizzy: Because you need to get laid.

TheDooo: It'll happen when it happens.

Derek: I could get Taina.

TheDooo: Please no, I like my dick where it is.

Derek: What about Ela, she hasn't done it much plus she was easy during my first time. Just get to know her first and then I'll be your wingman.

TheDooo: I hate you guys.

Yumi: That was our deal a month ago so.

Rory: It is crazy knowing that we've been here for awhile.

Derek: Yea it has, however you guys are safe so that is all that matters. Once we deal with the situation you guys can be free to go back.

Grizzy: Oh also, you know that trend where people are simping over the Winter Soldier with his "murder strut"?

Derek: Yea, why?

Grizzy: They're doing it with you now.

Derek: You're joking right?

Grizzy: I'm not.

He pulled out his phone and opened tiktok and searched up Colt. He scrolled through the videos until he found the one that started it. You watched the video and you remembered that day. It was when you first went to Brighton after it was under control by the whitemasks during your time at the beach.

Derek: You've gotta be shitting me.

Grizzy: Let the people do what they want.

Soup: I think it's hot.

Derek: Yo, pause.

Soup: Oh come on, you can't be a guy without being a little bit gay.

Derek: Yes you can, I need to head out.

Tachanka: Leaving so early?

Derek: Yea, Franklin has my pain meds for my hip and it's starting to wear off. Hurts like a bitch still.

Tachanka: Have a good night comrade.

Derek: Dont get too fucked up.

Tachanka: when am I not.

Derek: Good point.

You put your balaclava back on and exited the Russian Dorm. You started to head back towards your dorm. Once you reached it, you opened the door and closed it making sure to lock it. You took off your balaclava as you saw Frankin sitting on the couch.

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