The Plan and Training Day

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Hereford Base; Briefing Room 1

May 19th, 2021

Derek POV

You were sitting in your chair as Mark went over the reconnaissance that they discovered while in Moscow.

NATO: We spotted three transport vehicles move in and out of the facility. This cycle happened every 3 hours. With a different van each time they stop to deliver supplies.

Demo: Whether it was Ammunition, weaponry, soldiers, or even chemicals, those vehicles brought it all.

Derek: So there trade route is every 3 hours.

NATO: Precisely, we also photographed a few points of interest if we decided to move into the facility.

He pulled up the photographs onto the main projector in the room.

NATO: We found a spot just outside of the facility that has little security. Could take them out silently and move towards the staircase that leads to a door. We have no idea where it leads, however it's a start. Our next spot was the roof. Same way, we go through the area with little security and rappel up onto the roof. There's a hole in the roof so dropping down would be silent considering we wouldn't have to break anything. Or you can say fuck it and charge right through the main gate and risk being swarmed by every mask in the facility, with the added super soldiers that they have aswell.

Mickey: Yea let's not do the third option.

Demo: From our vantage point aswell, we found it to be a good place for Mickey to set up to give us covering fire from the outside in case we do get caught inside. There is also a trail where the transport vehicles come through, get some traps laid out on the trail just incase they send reinforcements, it'll buy us some extra time.

Derek: What about security? How many are we looking at?

NATO: From the one spot we saw that could be a stealth approach, 2 guards. 20 guards also surround the entire area however the 2 on that side, will never be noticed if they were missing-

Mickey: So we just take out those 2 guards and move into the facility? That seems simple.

NATO: You didn't let me finish, they move around every minute and are constantly watching their surroundings. So other guards moving to that exact spot will notice that 2 guards are missing.

Derek: What if we did the old swap again?

Demo: Can't, They're using a specific code now that Mark is having trouble deciphering. One wrong move and you're Swiss cheese. So once we get inside, we're not going to have easy time getting back out.

Derek: Damn, wait hold on. How good was that vantage point?

Demo: It was good, saw the whole layout of the facility and every guard.

Derek: Mickey, you'll move to that vantage point and oversee the whole area. Once we move inside, any guards that move close to our entry point and notice the two guards missing, drop em.

Mickey: See now that's what I like, however it can't just be me up there. I can be precise but I'm not necessarily fast enough to take down multiple guards.

Derek: You're right, Ash how good are you with a marksman rifle?

Ashley: I haven't used one in years.

Derek: We have a long week then.

Mickey: I could try to get Kali to come along aswell, it'd help having a third person for the advantage.

Derek: If you can't then you can't however, before we strike, we'll do another reconnaissance the day before to make sure nothing has changed. We all have a bit of time to do extra training, work on your aim and CQC training. If those super soldiers get close, we'll be in for a rough ride.

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