First Day of School

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Brighton UK

Derek POV

You woke up the next morning not really remembering alot fron the previous night. Just going to the bar that Dom was "working" at and having a few drinks. You got out of bed and got changed into more basic clothes. A pair of light blue jeans with a grey sweatshirt and sneakers.

Bandit: *from downstairs* John lets go you got school.

Derek: For fuck sake this is so dumb.

Bandit: Dont make me come up there.

Derek: Alright alright I'll get ready. This is such bullshit though.

Bandit: Dont blame me, blame Harry.

Derek: Yea yea whatever.

You grabbed your backpack that had supplies already in it and went downstairs. Ela was already down there getting ready while you just walked over and made a cup of coffee.

Mickey: So grown up.

Derek: have fun being a lifeguard. What you gonna do if a girl comes up.

Mickey: Tell them I have someone already.

Derek: Ah ah ah, nothing about your personal life can be apart of this mission.

Mickey: Oh fuck off would ya.

Derek: Hey if me and Claire gotta suffer, so do you.

Ela: We have to be at the school in 30 minutes, hurry up.

Derek: Alright I am.

Ela: You didnt even go to college, will you be fine by yourself?

Derek: Oh yea I'll be fine. Nothing wrong with skipping college and going right to the military. Also got a few people ive already met there so that'll be just fan fucking tastic.

Ela: They havent seen your face though.

Derek: Yea but, they'll catch on.

Bandit: Alright, theres a car outside for you guys. Mickey helped me pick up two cars last night while you were asleep. So here *tosses keys* you drive.

Ela: What dont trust me?

Bandit: Last time you drove it almost got us in an accident.

Ela: Not my fault you guys didnt have seatbelts on.

Bandit: We were in a schoolzone and you were going 95km/h.

Ela: Whatever.

Derek: Alright well, come on Claire.

You both walked out and got into the car Dom gave you. It was a 2014 Honda Accord.

You both got in and you started up the car and headed towards the college. When you arrived, you parked the car and you both got out.

Ela: So whats your first class.

Derek: Biology

Ela: hey same, atleast I'll have someone to talk to.

Derek: Oh please.

Ela: What.

Derek: nothing.. lets just go inside.

You both walked into the building and both went into the class. You forgot what college classes looked like and you were surprised. You walked over to a seat and sat down in it. A couple minutes go by and more people end up coming in. One in particular is Chelsea. She saw you and Ela and just went and sat down. A guy came up to you and confronted.

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