The Upgrade

481 4 1

Miami, Florida

Derek POV

You sat in the center of the mall complex while Franklin stitched up John's bullet wound. You heard John wince at the needle and thread while he squeezed his thigh tightly.

Bulldog: Felt that one.

Patch: Just a couple more times and I'll be done. Luckily it was just small so we can still count John in this fight.

Derek: Good, are our supplies on their way?

Bulldog: Should be here soon, I Gave them an updated location after we laid out the plan. Prototypes are in there aswell.

Derek: I didn't say anything about a prototype?

Bulldog: Elena has been studying our battles and has made a newer set of gear for us, Harry told me that she described them from tests as "light, comfortable, and efficient"

Derek: And these are still the prototype?

Bulldog: Still in the early stages and she thought it'd be best to try them out here, the headgear works just fine but she wants to get more of a reading on the maneuverability and comfort of the suit.

Derek: Whatever gets us the advantage.

Bulldog: Damn straight.

You heard a set of feet run towards the three of you and noticed it was Sean.

Derek: Mickey, what we looking at in terms of offensive force.

Mickey: we've got a tight formation moving in on our position as we speak.

Derek: How many?

Mickey: No clue, NATO estimates around 150 Masks with 5 armorized vehicles.

Derek: Bulldog, how far did you say the airdrop was?

Bulldog: Not far. Maybe about 15 minutes?

Derek: Damn it, we're gonna need that airdrop now if they're coming in.

Mickey: We have about an hour to prep before they arrive, but that number can be false.

Derek: So we should get started now.

You turned on your comms

Derek: Demo do you copy.

Demo: *on comms* I'm here.

Derek: What condition is the Humvee in.

Demo: *on comms* You guys fucked this thing up, bullet holes in the glass, the engine luckily only got knicked, but the oil is leaking.

Derek: All I want to know is, can we push it, and how much ammo do we have for the M240 on top.

Demo: *on comms* Well no fucking shit we can push it, and we still have a good hundred rounds in the belt with two other ammo boxes ready to use.

Derek: Here's what I need you and the rest of 052 to do, set up a barricade around that Humvee.

Demo: *on comms* On it.

Derek: Once this airdrop arrives, get your asses on the roof fast.

Demo: *on comms* We'll be there. Hey cadidiots! Help me move this damn thing!

You turned off your comms and saw Bulldog silently talking to someone.

Bulldog: I'll let him know, Bulldog out.

Derek: Who was that?

Bulldog: Jäger, he said he's 5 klicks out. Said to throw a smoke grenade so he knows where to be.

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