The Hughes Family

455 5 3

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee

June 23rd, 2021

Derek POV

You stood inches away from the door of the home. You sighed as you raised your fist and knocked on the door. You waited a few moments until the door opened to reveal Anna's Father.

Tom: Derek, what brings you here?

Derek: I'm off duty for the time being after some recent events. Was told a good way to help would be to go to a place where I felt I belonged.

Tom: You can explain everything once you come inside. It's hot outside, you must be sweating.

He motioned for you to walk inside and you did. You walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

Derek: Everyone out?

Tom: Marissa took the kids out shopping for clothes since we don't have alot of time with them anymore.

Derek: College?

Tom: Getting close. Abby and Silvana are about to go into Senior year while Matt is going to be a Junior.

Derek: Damn, I forgot that it's been awhile.

Tom: They grew up fast, so what were you saying about being off duty?

Derek: I recently just finished a mission, however I lost my cool.

Tom: What exactly happened?

Derek: To sum it up, I'm currently training a squad of recruits, they were captured while on a mission and experienced some traumatizing events. I lost my shit after I found out what happened. After we got them back, we captured a high ranking member to bring back to base for questioning. As we left, he was shot and killed and Sean was caught in the crossfire, getting knicked in the neck.

Tom: Is Sean alright?

Derek: Yea he's fine, had the bullet been higher caliber, it would've been a different story. But after surveying the area, we realized that the ones responsible were close allies. I lost my cool completely and ended up going into a blind rage.

Tom: What was the end result.

Derek: They're all in the medical wing with Sean. My punishment for putting them there is that I have to take a week long mental vacation, afterwards it'll be decided on whether or not I'll be out for an additional month or cleared to part take in missions again.

Tom: Well it's good to have you here Derek, we'd love to have you as our guest. Alots happened since I last saw you.

Derek: Oh you missed alot, I think Matt would like some of the stories.

Tom: He does want to follow Anna's footsteps and enlist in the Marines.

Derek: Is he mentally prepared?

Tom: He has a strong will, he isn't gonna back down when he's slammed into a wall.

Derek: Keep the spirit alive, but don't let it get into your head.

You heard the door knob turns the door opened

Marissa: Tom we're home!

Tom: Out in the living room, we have a guest!

You heard a group of footsteps get closer to the living room as everyone just looked at you sitting on the couch, partially in gear with your balaclava. You gave a nervous laugh as you waved.

Derek: Hey Mrs. Hughes.

Marissa: Derek?

Derek: Oh, where are my manners.

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