The One Who Brings Chaos

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Hereford Base  5:50 AM

Derek POV

Today was the day you had training with Ela, you got out of bed and got into your gear. You walked out of your room and towards the cafeteria to get something to eat real quick. When you walked inside the same male chef was there.

Male Chef: What could I get for you.

Derek: Just something small, maybe just one egg scrambled with white bread.

Male Chef: Keeping it simple, i respect that.

Derek: Thanks.

Male chef: Have fun with your training session.

Derek: Hehe, I will.

You walked over to a table and ate your breakfast. You checked the time to see that it was 6:15.

Derek: Might aswell head there a bit early.

You walked out of the cafeteria and towards the gym. You opened the doors and you already saw Ela there.

Ela: You're a bit early.

Derek: gotta know what I'm dealing with here.

Ela: Well just know you'll be in pain by the end of this.

Derek: And if I'm not?

Ela: It won't be pleasant for you.

Derek: So I should pretend to be in pain, got it.

Ela: No no no, you're gonna be telling the truth cause if you're lying it'll be worse worse.

Derek: You really wanna see me in pain dont you.

Ela: Kinda, also are you seriously gonna be working out in that tight balaclava?

Derek: I always do.

Ela: You sure you'll be able to breathe throughout this?

Derek: I'll be fine.

Ela: Huh, you know what if you can get through this entire workout while wearing that balaclava and be fine, I'll be impressed.

Derek: I'll take on that bet.

Ela: Alright, if I win you have to go to the beach with us during our off day.

Derek: Well that doesnt even seem bad at al-

Ela: Without your mask.

Derek: Fuck fine, if I win you gotta start wearing sweatpants instead of those leggings when walking around base.

Ela: Whats wrong with my leggings?

Derek: Uh, you know... the catcalling.

Ela: Oh... yea... guess you're right. Alright deal.

Derek: Alright, I'll get in line then.

You got into line with the other recruits and Ela spoke up.

Ela: Alright, so we'll start off todays training session with a 5km run. You are all gonna be in pain by the end of this.

Recruit 1: *Mutters* I can make you in pain in bed.

Ela: alright bumping it up to 7kms since you tried to act smart.

Recruit 1: Oh come on, dont pretend you wouldnt enjoy it.

Derek: For the love of christ quit running your mouth and move your god damn legs.

Recruit 1: Keep talking back and your ass is grass kid.

Derek: *while running* Keep being an arrogant prick and you'd wish your ass was on the ground.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now