The Signal

577 6 26

June 19th, 2021

It was a dark and stormy night as 5 figures moved towards a house. They reached the front door and lined up against the wall.

Kenzie: Ava, drone out.

Ava placed a drone on the ground as she sent it under the door. It took a few seconds before she looked back up and threw up 6 fingers.

Ava: 3 in the room to the right, 2 on the balcony above in front of the door, 1 making Mac and Cheese in the kitchen straight ahead.

Sam: Was the Mac and Cheese part necessary?

Ava: Well he's distracted so... yea?

Kenzie: Copy. Sam, you're with me in taking out the 3 on the right. Ava, I want you to take out the person in the kitchen. Kait and Emma, take out the two on the balcony.

Ava: Only if I can have that Kraft afterwards.

Kenzie: If no one else has anything to say, Sam breach.

Sam walked up to the door and placed a breaching charge before getting back in line. She blew open the door as the 5 filed into the house. Taking out all of the targets in the rooms before regrouping towards the stairs leading to the basement.

Kenzie: Intel states that the Biohazard Container is in the garage. Go in cautiously and secure the area until other Rainbow operatives come in to assist. Copy?

Ava: Copy.

Kenzie: Alright, lets move.

They all moved down the stairs with Emma watching the top to make sure no one came from behind.

Kenzie: Sam take point.

Sam: Copy.

Sam took point in front of everyone else. She started to move through a door when bullets pierced the drywall. Sam dropped to the ground as everyone began to panic.

Ava: They know we're here!

Kenzie: You think!?! Fall back!

Kait: What about Sam?

Kenzie: We need to push to the container!

Kenzie ran into another room as a buzzer went off. The firefight ended as the 4 looked around confused.

Kenzie: Something go wrong?

Derek: Did something go wrong? Did something go wrong!?!

The 4 looked over to see a fuming Colt walk into the building through the garage.

Derek: I let it slide with going in loud when you had the element of surprise.

Kenzie: Then what was the problem?

Derek: You were loud, you left formation, and you left a man behind.

He crossed his arms as he stared at the bunch.

Derek: You broke rule number 1.

Ava: With all due respect, she was riddled with bullets, theres no way she was alive.

Derek: Alive or not, you get her the fuck into cover and you don't leave her alone.

Kenzie: Sorry sir, we'll learn from this.

Derek: I sure hope so.

He looked at their faces and sighed

Derek: Lets just take the rest of today off, you guys really did good. But you have to remember the rules.

Ava: How many times did your team leave you behind.

Derek: What?

Ava: How many times did your team break formation, how many times did they leave you behind.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now