The Enhanced

874 12 3

Brighton, UK

Derek POV

You frantically looked around as people were running away from the Sussex Heights. Ela and the rest of the group came out of the store.

Chelsea: What just happened!?!

Derek: The 11th floor of the Sussex Heights just exploded.

You turned to the group and looked at Ela.

Derek: Ela, get them far away from here while I call in for back up.

Ela: What did we just talk about Derek!

Derek: If this is a mask attack, I'm not gonna stand around and let innocent people be slaughtered. Get them out of here and I'll assess the situation while getting back up. Got it!

You expressed anger for that last part which convinced her to get the group to run away. You turned back towards the Sussex Heights and made your way over towards it. You turned on your comms and tried to get to Mickey.

Derek: *on radio* Mickey do you copy.

Mickey: *on radio* yea I'm here, whats going on?

Derek: *on radio* The Sussex Heights just detonated and I'm heading over to assess the situation, get in gear and get here as fast as you can.

Mickey: *on radio* Damn, can we ever catch a break?

Derek: *on radio* Mickey, gear, now!

Mickey: *on radio* We already had our gear on for training, estimated ETA will be 20 minutes.

Derek: *on radio* Shit, fine. I'll hold them off until you arrive.

Mickey: *on radio* Don't do anything stupid this time!

Derek: *on radio* I'm not.

You turned off your comms as you ran one towards the Sussex Heights while everyone else was running away from it. You ran into a nearby building and saw people running out of their rooms. You got into of the rooms and made your way towards the balcony of the building. You aimed your HK-416 towards the Sussex Heights as you saw a group of black masks causing chaos around the area.

You gripped your HK and held your breath as you put your finger on the trigger. You set your sights on a black mask pointing his L8A5 at an elderly women as you pulled the trigger. You hit the mask in the head as his body fell. The other masks looked over at your position as you opened fire on the masks. You took out 2 more as your HK clicked empty. You ducked behind cover to reload and once you did, you looked back out to see even more Black masks. They all fired at the balcony as you got up and hurdled over the railing and landed on the ground. You found cover behind a wall just outside of the apartment you were at. You turned on your comms once again to get an update.

Derek: *on radio* Mickey, what's your status, I'm outnumbered right now.

Mickey: *on radio* We're coming as fast as possible, we can see the city in the distance. Just hold out for a little bit longer.

Derek: *on radio* They're out in the open, have Bulldog rain hellfire on them when you arrive.

Mickey: *on radio* Rog, he's getting excited.

You turned off your comms and slowly peaked your head out. A bullet hit the wall next to your head as you quickly went back behind cover.

Derek: They're really pushing me to the edge right now.

You aimed out of cover and shot a mask in the head before retreating back behind cover. You heard a pair of footsteps getting close so you quickly looked over and pointed your HK at the noise only to see it was Ela and the rest of the group that you thought left.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now