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Hereford Base; Cafeteria

Derek POV

You sat in the cafeteria with your squad and some of the nonsense group. You had your acoustic guitar, playing "Paradise" when you were interrupted by John.

Bulldog: Really?

Derek: What?

Bulldog: Paradise by coldplay?

Derek: Its calming when played on acoustic.

Blarg: You are like Eric right?

Derek: If you give me a recommendation, I can play it.

Grizzy: Last of us theme?

You tuned your acoustic guitar and started to play the last of us theme.

Grizzy: Its... beautiful.

Derek: Thank you. So Mark, how's the test on our cloaking technology coming along?

NATO: It's going well, after a few attempts, we found a solution.

He reached into his backpack and pulled out a set of blueprints.

NATO: At first we tried to make an entire outfit for cloaking, but then we decided to make a small device that has similarities to old portable telephones from WWII. The small device can be placed inside of a backpack, and that's how we're all gonna use them.

Mickey: What about mobility? Can't exactly be doing alot of CQC with a backpack on our back.

NATO: We'd just have to sacrifice mobility in order for us to be stealthy.

Derek: As long as it's successful, then I'm fine with not being able to curb stomp masks.

You turned to Ashley at the girls tabled and hollered at her.

Derek: Hey Ash, how's the marksman training going!

Ashley: Its going well! But you know you could also ask Mickey about it!

Derek: The hog is too busy eating!

He looked up from his tray and mumbled words since he had food in his mouth.

Mickey: *mumbled* Eat a dick man.

Derek: He's also very hostile!

Ashley: I wonder why!

You heard the doors open as Harry walked through the doors. He went over to the small stage and stared towards everyone.

Harry: Good afternoon everyone, I'm gonna keep this short since I have a meeting to attend to with the Secretary of Defense. But... with that being said, I would like to give good news.

Demo: Are you gonna sing?

Bulldog: Yea, sing fly me to the moon by Frank Sinatra

The rest of your squad was chuckling as you told them to shut up while you were also holding in your own laugh.

Harry: Maybe another time. The real news is that we have our newest addition to the Rainbow foundation. Please meet our newest operator Thunderbird.

The doors opened again revealing a woman. She walked next to Harry.

Harry: This Mina Sky, she comes from the Nakoda Territories and can not only handle a weapon, but she is also an excellent pilot.

Mute: Whats her gadget?

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now