The Freeman Household

682 14 11

Hereford Base; Gym

Derek POV

Time: 11:06 A.M.

After finishing up the recruits first day of training simple, the female recruits were either sitting on the ground catching their breath or holding their knees.

Derek: Alright, you guys seem out of breath from today so I'll end it there. But don't think of every training session to be laid off this easy.

Kait: Orientation wasn't too hard, why are yours so difficult.

Derek: *stern* I don't train bitches.

Ava: While you do hold up to your reputation, we're just here because of your last batch of recruits. No point in wasting your time on us.

Derek: While you are the lowest rank here, I still need to take care of those that I work with.

Sam: But your squad doesn't associate with Recruits or Operators.

Derek: However, we don't leave them out to dry. If they need us, we'll be there.

Kait: And if it's too late?

Derek: Then you better not be standing at the end of my barrel.

Kenzie: Oi Meghan, is he telling the truth?

Meghan looked up from her bench across the room and shook her head "yes"

Valkryie: Oh yea, you should've seen what he did to the Taliban when he found out they held his sister hostage.

Ava: And how did that go?

Valkryie: He charged in the room with a rifle... and finished them off with a knife.

Derek: Enough about my prowess in combat. Harry told me to show you to your dorms. So get up, grab your shit that you packed, and let's go.

The five of them got up and grabbed their bags and met up with you at the doorway leading out of the gym.

Sam: You seem to be in a rush.

Derek: *sighs* I just want to go on my god damn vacation.

Kait: We get vacation days?

Derek: Only after high risk missions. Plus I need to recover after the last one.

Ava: You surely don't look like you need to recover.

Derek: Sweetie, I'm screaming from the inside right now. Now let's go.

You lead the group of recruits through the halls, pointing out various places of importance. You reached where the female dorms were and put in a passcode for the locked door.

Kait: Might I ask why there's a door for the female dorms?

Derek: Two words... Male Recruits. The only ones other than female operators who have the passcode to this door are male operators and my squad.

Kait: Why you guys particularly?

Derek: Because we're not fucking idiots.

You opened the door and motioned for them to go through. You closed the door and made sure it made a click sound signifying that it was locked.

Ava: So... got the hots for anyone here?

Derek: I don't do relationships.

Ava: No fun, how come?

Derek: Because last time I did, I lost her.

You continued walking while everything was silent.

Kenzie: Well that took a dark turn.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now