Waking Up

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Brighton Hospital

Derek POV

You began to open your eyes as you were blinded by a bright light and you quickly shut your eyes.

Derek: Ah jeez what the hell.

Mickey: Wakey wakey

Derek: Oh for the love of god who hit me this time.

Mickey: A Swat member.

Derek: Well thats what I get for being disguised as a fuckin mask.

Mickey: Yea you had it coming.

Derek: So is everyone alright?

Mickey: Full evacuation with a few dozen injured, you helped out alot.

Derek: Yea well helping out got me here for a dumb reason so.

Mickey: Also on the plus side, you dont have to worry about school.

Derek: I'm so happy *annoyed*

Mickey: Come on, lets just go.

Derek: Yea yea whatever. As long as I can be in regular gear I'll be good.

You both exited the hospital and got into the car Mickey brought you in.

Mickey: So we have more information.

Derek: What you got?

Mickey: The other night me and Dom intercepted a deal, found out the guys we found the first day, apparently they were planning an attack at the pier.

Derek: When.

Mickey: Tonight, so when we get back get some rest and be ready to leave by 19:00.

Derek: I've got enough sleep, give me my rifle and I'm ready.

Mickey: Law enforcement doesnt know of this.

Derek: Why not?

Mickey: Because theres rats in their system.

Derek: What do you mean?

Mickey: Because the group we intercepted brought up members of their group inside the station. So if we let them know, they will tell and switch the attack or delay it.

Derek: Hm, I see.

Mickey: So when we get back, either get rest or just be ready to leave.

Derek: Since when did you start gibing orders.

Mickey: Huh, you're right. Take that back would ya?

Derek: *chuckles* Yea I will. You said 19:00 right?

Mickey: Yea, we're here so be ready.

Derek: I will.

Mickey: And dont end up in the hospital again.

Derek: Not my fault.

Mickey: Yea, sure.

Derek: What, it wasnt.

Mickey: *mocking* Oh let me disguise myself as a white mask. That'll show em.

Derek: Well it worked for as long as it lasted.

Mickey: Yea you're not wrong about that. We're here, so get something to eat and then get ready for tonight.

Derek: *getting out of car* Yea I'll be ready.

Timeskip 4 hours

It was nearing the time to leave so you got into your gear that you originally wore back when you were first recruited. You walked downstairs to see Mickey and Bandit.

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