The Attack

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Brighton College

Derek POV

There you were. Clad in a white masks uniform somehow trying to figure how the hell you ended up here. You approached the classroom Ela was in with Fiona and were ready to help them out in secret.

3 hours earlier

Its been three days and you were enjoying school. Although there was constantly a thorn in your side with the group asking alot of questions about you and Ela. As much as it was good to talk about it, it was very annoying. You were in history learning about the Ninth Reich. Why were you learning about the 9th army, you didnt know. But it was whatever since it got you out of your head.

Teacher: Gianna, could you tell us what party they were associating?

Gianna: The Nazi Party.

Teacher: Alright good so you are paying attention. Now John.

Derek: Yea?

Teacher: The report we were given tells us that you speak fluent German. That true?

Derek: Father taught me everything I have to know.

Teacher: Well in that case, Was sage ich gerade? (What am i saying right now)

Derek: Du hast nur gefragt (you were only asking) It is a good language. If you dont mind may I go to the bathroom?

Teacher: You can.

You got up and walked out of the class and towards the bathrooms.

Timeskip 5 minutes (dont even think about it)

You started to get out of the stall when you began to hear screams. You peaked your head out and saw students running and a group of masks. One saw you and you quickly shut the door with a bullet whizzing through it. There was a a small wall so you decided to hide behind it waiting for him to come. A couple seconds go by and you hear the door open. You hear only one set of feet moving so luckily there is only one. You waited for him to turn the corner and when he did you grabbed the barrel of his gun and brought it down. He fired a few rounds, you took one hand off and punched him in the face. You took full possession of his gun and hit him with the butt of it. He was knocked out and a thought came to your head.

Derek: *in thought* If I'm gonna get out of here, I have to be them.

10 minutes later

You put on the last of the masks outfit and to give a little sign that it was you, you put the outline of the letter 6 on your mask with an L.

Your outfit

You picked up his L85A2 and a few extra clips

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You picked up his L85A2 and a few extra clips. You grabbed his M9 aswell with three clips. You looked in the mirror bwfore you exited the bathroom.

Derek: *walking out* I look so fucking dumb.

You exited the bathroom and saw a group of masks.

Mask: Robert what took you so long in there.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now