Day at the Beach Part 2

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Brighton Beach

Derek POV

You opened your eyes to everyone still there. Mark and Julien were out and Timur was downing another bottle of vodka. You could never understand how the russians could do that. You started to sit up and you started to feel the vodka you drank earlier coming into effect.

Derek: Ah fuck, that vodka is starting to kick in.

Glaz: I would say you're a lightweight but you chugged that bottle and that was your second time drinking.

Derek: Yea haha, where are the girls.

Glaz: They went for a little walk not too long ago.

Derek: Alright, say was this notepad always on my leg?

Glaz: Nah a girl ran up and just left it there. Mark and Julien saw it happen aswell.

Derek: Huh, guess I am getting digits.

Glaz: Da comrade.

You looked over and saw a sand hill with a bunch of kids playing on it.

Derek: They look to be having fun.

Glaz: Yea, although it does look like some trouble is coming up.

As he said that a small group of people walked up to the hill. You saw them say something to the kids and when they didnt leave you heard them start to yell at them.

Derek: I'll.. be right back.

Glaz: You do that.

You got up and started to walk over to the hill, you got up there are and accessed the situation.

Derek: Hey what gives they were trying to have fun.

Guy 1: Yea well that's too bad, this spot looked nice to chill at.

Derek: So what you could've just waited for them to leave before you came up not yell at them.

Guy 1: They're brats.

Derek: They're like 9-12 Dick.

Guy 1: Say that again

Derek: You heard me.

He went to shove you but you grabbed his shoulders and threw him down the hill.

Derek: This just went from being your chill spot to king of the hill. You 3 wanna try aswell?

The other 3 began to rush you. You ducked under one and threw him over your shoulder so he rolled down the hill. Another came up to jab you but you grabbed his hand and gave him a jab to his gut and then pushed him to the side. The last one you swept his feet and then kicked him down.

Derek: Alright, you done yet.

Guy 1: Go fuck yourself. *starts to wlak away*

Derek: And for the record I'm gonna be keeping an eye over here so if I see you guys again, it aint gonna be pretty. *turns to kids* You can can come back up and play, I'll be watching though to make sure it doesnt happen again.

Kid: Thanks mister.

Derek: No problem.

You got down from the hill and walked back to the group.

Mute: Nice show you just did there.

Derek: Hehe, was it that noticeable?

Mute: You knocked 4 guys on their asses on a hill... it was pretty noticeable.

Derek: Damn, well they had it coming.

Mute: We know, Timur told us why you went over there. Anyways we were gonna head back in a bit. You coming?

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