Training Day

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Hereford Base; Male Dorm

Derek POV

You were sitting on the couch drinking a cup of coffee when NATO Walked out of his room.

Derek: Morning Mark.

NATO: Morning Derek.

Derek: Havent asked in awhile, how's your sleep been lately?

NATO: Its been good, meds have really been helping. How was yours.

Derek: Knowing that I have a family again really helps.

NATO: You have to train the operators today right?

Derek: *Groans* Don't even remind me.

NATO: Why are you complaining, don't you like training people?

Derek: Yea I do, theres just one problem.

NATO: What is it?

Derek: There are no male operators, only female.

NATO: Yikes, well have fun with that.

Derek: Yea, I bet I will.

NATO: But hey, atleast you got a hundred dollars.

Derek: And a punch right to the jaw.

NATO: Yea he was pretty pissed.

Derek: So now I have a hundred dollars in my wallet, my jaw is hurting like a motherfucker, and now I have to train a bunch of female operators, which I have to also add, Ela and Tina made a bet that I had practically no say in.

NATO: What was the bet?

Derek: Some bullshit about how whichever of them doesn't take a breather during my workout first, I get to be their stress reliever.

NATO: Isnt that a good thing?

Derek: Not the point.

NATO: Hey just saying, free puss.

Derek: Do me a favor, after that training session, get me a few beers.

NATO: Why?

Derek: Because I feel like I'm gonna have endurance training afterwards.

NATO: Yea well, you have fun with that, I'm gonna try to get another hour of sleep.

Derek: Dude its like 6:30, you're gonna try to get an extra hour?

NATO: I am not normally up this early.

Derek: Whatever dude, just saying I wont be here if you dont end up waking up.

NATO: Eh, its my off day.

Derek: Whatever you say.

NATO walked back into his room and shut his door. You continued to just drink your coffee and watch T.V.. 30 minutes go by and Mickey comes out of his room and walks over to the coffee pot and pours coffee in a mug.

Derek: You missed Mark waking up before you.

Mickey: Really? Thats a surprise.

Derek: Just to fall back asleep.

Mickey: Yea, that sounds like him.

Derek: Well I still have an hour to kill before I have to go out to train the female ops.

Mickey: Well look at you hotshot, went from nothing to training rainbows top women operators.

Derek: Oh yea, lucky me. Cause there's always nothing better than training cougars.

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