Omega Virus

392 4 6

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee

June 29, 2021

Derek POV

You took two final steps before throwing down your ruck and taking off your weighted vest. You turned your head and looked down at Matt who was sprawled across the grass.

Derek: You alright Matt?

Matt: Yea, just need to take a second to feel the grass.

You walked over and grabbed him by his own ruck and pulled him to his feet.

Derek: If you need oxygen, it's better if you stay up and not lying around in the grass like a pixie.

You looked over at the deck and saw Silvana and Abby with their friends tanning.

Silvana: Its not too late to rethink your choices Matt!

Derek: And it isn't too late for you to shut your hole before I put a ruck on your back!

Silvana: Shutting up now!

Derek: Yea, that's what I thought!

You took off your tank top and revealed your Scar covered body, turning to Matt who threw his ruck to the ground.

Matt: So many scars...

Derek: From my time in the corps and some recent. Now, last part of training for today, we gotta test your CQC.

Matt: CQC, against you?

Derek: Relax, we're only working on your form. Now I want you to come at me with everything you've got, don't pull your punches.

You readied yourself in a defensive form as Matt walked up with his fists raised. You threw a wide punch that you blocked with your forearm and wrapped it around his arm. With your other hand you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dropped him to the ground. He groaned in pain as he looked up at you.

Matt: I thought you said you weren't going to fight back.

Derek: I lied, you have to expect a counter attack. It's the only way for you to get the upper hand.

Matt: Yea, but I think there's a difference between a basic marine or Taliban member, to a fucking Task force Operative.

Derek First off, watch your language. Secondly, you're not wrong.

He sat up on the grass and you sat down across from him

Matt: Another thing, will the same situation happen to me aswell? With those scars atleast.

Derek: As long as you keep your head down and don't get foolish, then you'll be just fine. If there's one piece of advice I can give, don't look to me as an idol, don't be me. You can give leadership, but don't be careless. Carelessness got me these scars, and most times it nearly got me killed.

Matt: So just, follow the rules.

Derek: Yea, pretty much. You'll get the hang of it in no time, might even be able to beat Sean, he's been pretty shit lately.

Matt: Whats got him busy?

Derek: He's too busy, "Practicing his marksmanship". Fucking lame ass.

You sat up from the grass and extended your arm for Matt to grab. He gripped your forearm as you assisted him to his feet.

Derek: Just don't forget, no one's gonna play fair with you. You've gotta expect the unexpected, even if it's cheap. It's life or death.

Silvana: Derek!

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