The Trial

400 4 2

Hereford Base; Bravo Squad Dorm

Derek POV

You opened your eyes and noticed that you were in your room, laying on your own bed. You went to get up but felt your hand stay in place. You looked at your right hand to see that it was handcuffed to your bed frame.

Derek: What the fuck?

The door to your room opened and Franklin walked in.

Patch: Would you look at that, you're finally awake.

Derek: Oh haha, why am I handcuffed to my own fucking bed?

Patch: Do you not remember what happened?

Derek: I remember Sean getting fucking shot in the neck. Where is he.

Patch: In the Medical Wing, he'll be fine. Is that all you remember?

Derek: Yes, what the fuck happened.

Patch: Dude, you lost your fucking shit. That's what happened.

Derek: Did you expect anything more? Our own fucking allies killed our hostage and nearly killed Sean aswell.

Patch: In my opinion it was justified, but it took all 6 of us to knock you the fuck out.

Derek: It took all 6 of you.

Patch: Yes, Emma sat and watched while the other 4 practically jumped on top of you. I had to step in and hit you in the back of the neck with the butt of my MP7.

Derek: *sighs* What was the end result of my blind rage.

Patch: To answer your question, Kali was the one who shot the hostage. Luckily she was only using a SDM-R. If she was using her CSRX 300. Sean wouldn't have half of his neck.

Derek: Frank, what the fuck did I do.

Patch: Kali is in the medical wing with a broken nose and a punctured lung. Wamai is also in the medical wing with a broken arm after he tried detaining you. He also suffered minor head trauma after you slammed him into a tree a couple times.

Derek: I remember 4 others before my vision became blurry, what happened to them.

Patch: Well, you killed them.

Derek: I did what?!?

Patch: I'm kidding, they suffered minor injuries, except for one who currently has a hole in his hand after you pinned him against a tree with your knife.

You sank your head into your pillow and took a deep breath before looking back over at Franklin.

Derek: So what happens now?

Patch: Well, you hospitalized the leader of a private military. Harry isn't too happy about that, so he told me to handcuff you to your bedframe and put you under house arrest until he can level the situation with NightHaven.

Derek: So I'm stuck in bed until they realize "hey we were kinda cunts back there for shooting one of your guys, we understand why your soldier kicked our asses while in a blind rage".

Patch: Not stuck in bed, but it was the first thought to do since you would've wanted to see Sean immediately.

Derek: Yea well I still do.

Patch: He's fine, he's just spending the day in there so he can catch up on rest. Plus even he is still trying to process what the hell even happened.

Derek: And why the hell is Harry pissed, he was bitching to me the other day about Nighthaven taking his operators on field trips to their facility. Now I don't want to sound like that guy, but I did him a fucking favor.

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