Rescueing Bravo 2-1 Part 1

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Hereford base; Male lounge

30 minutes after live feed

Mute POV

You were standing in front of the T.V. in the lounge with a few other operators crowding around it.

News reporter: 30 minutes after the horrific live feed of a hostage situation has caused many to feel terrified. It was just found out that the two masked hostages are Lieutenant Locust of Bravo Squad and his second in command Cpl. Mickey. Government officials are trying their best best to find out the location of these masked individuals and getting to Lieutenant Locust before it too late-

You picked up the remote and turned the T.V. off.

Mute: Enoufh standing around, Mark did you make those calls that you needed?

NATO: I did an hour ago after we left the male dorm. They should be here or be meeting us at the place in a couple hours. I'm trying to trace their signal.

Mute: Robert, you figure out anything yet?

Demo: I'm still thinking, but these motherfuckers are going to get everything coming to them.

Bulldog: Oh they will, I'll be right back. Need to go get something from "the lost and found".

Lion: What are you grabbing?

Bulldog: Something Derek brought back a month ago that'll make those bastards pay for shooting the boss dog and Sean.

Bulldog quickly left the room while Robert started to put together a plan.

Demo: Marius get a helicopter ready and warmed up. We need to be up and out of here as soon as NATO traces their location.

Jäger: On it.

NATO: Give me just a couple more minutes, having satellites and shit makes this a breeze to get the exact location.

Demo: I'm glad you were chosen in our squad.

NATO: Annnd, I got them. They're held up at Ducketts Grove in Ireland.

Mute: Ireland? That's not a long flight.

Demo: Everyone else catch up to Marius and get in the helicopter. I'll be there in 5.

NATO: I'll go notify the others on where to meet us at.

Mute: Where are you going?

Demo: To get as many explosives as I can hold, I'm not gonna let a single one of them live.

You all left the dorm and split ways with Robert. You all ran past the cafeteria as the other operators gave you questioning stares. You ran outside to see Marius already getting the helicopter started.

Mute: Everyone inside.

You all started to get into the helicopter and sat down. Robert wasn't far behind you so he got into the helicopter aswell with a backpack.

Mute: Whats in the bag.

Demo: Some C4, a bomb with a bigass blast radius. Nothing special.

Jäger: Thats not going to detonate if it gets hit right?

Demo: Who knows.

Bulldog: I'm here!

You looked out if the helicopter to see John in the juggernaut gear that Derek picked up back at the prison.

Demo: Holy shit dude.

Bulldog: I know, bitches gonna get everything coming to them.

NATO: Marius, take us to Ducketts Grove, Ireland.

Jäger: On it, just get that leader of yours back. It doesn't sit right with me that Robert is taking lead on this rescue mission.

Demo: Can't I catch a break for one second?

Mute: You'll never get one.

Ducketts Grove, Ireland

Derek POV

4 hours after getting shot...

Mickey: You know, at this point I just can't even feel my arms anymore.

Derek: Yea well... *groans* Atleast you don't have a bullet lodged in your hip.

Mickey: Just lessen the talking for the time being.

Derek: Talking doesn't make a difference, I could use the distraction.

The door to the room opened again with Talon and 2 more black masks.

Talon: How's the wound treating you.

Derek: Why don't you step alittle closer, you're not in kicking distance.

Talon: Yea well I'm not here for you. Im here  for clubhouse over here.

Mickey: Oh aren't you just good with jokes. I bet you're great with kids.

Talon: 1st grade math teacher actually. More importantly though, what do you know about Rainbows classified files.

Mickey: The same thing you do. That's why they're classified you stupid fuck.

Talon: Hand me the pipe.

One of the masks walked over to a table and grabbed a rusty pipe off of it and handed it to Talon. He proceeded to hit Mickey with the pipe multiple times before he stopped.

Talon: Now I'll ask again, what is in the classified files.

Mickey didn't say anything, he just tried to kick Talon. His kick missed and Talon grabbed his leg and swung the pipe down. You heard a crack mixed with Mickey screaming.

You noticed that your chains were a bit loose so you quietly attempted to move your hands out of them.

Talon: You done with you silly witz.

Mickey: *laughs* Why don't you go shove that rusty pipe up your ass.

The man that went as Talon said nothing and instead hit Mickey across the face with the pipe. You felt the chains loosen around your wrists and soon the chains gave away and you fell to the ground. The 2 masks looked at you and moved in to contain you. Rage and adrenaline was coursing through your body, you weren't weren't thinking about your hip and leg. A mask got close to you but was quickly shoved to the ground. You moved over to the other mask and grabbed them by the neck and snapped it.

You moved over to Talon and fought him for the rusty pipe. He broke your grip and swung the pipe across your face. You fell to the ground and struggled to get back up since your adrenaline was wearing off.

Talon: You've got fire in ya kid. *laughs* I like that, you would've made a good mask.

He put the pipe back on the table and started to walk towards the door.

Talon: Burnie get up and get this poor excuse of a mask out of this room.

The one he called Burnie got up from the ground and walked over to the mask that you killed. Before he picked up the dead mask, he walked over and kicked you in the hip.

Derek: *coughs* Cheap shotting prick.

He picked up the dead mask and walked out of the room with Talon. The door began to close as you were screaming at them.

Derek: This won't be the last you heard of me, you're gonna pay for what you did, you old, stupid motherfucker!

Mickey: He's gone Derek.

Derek: God this hurts so much.

You heard a distant explosion and then a group of footsteps quickly moving towards the noise with gunfire.

Mickey: *laughs* I can't believe he pulled through.

Derek: Are they fucking retarded?!?

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now