Psychological Report

473 6 66

Hereford Base; GIGN Dorm

June 22, 2021

Derek POV

You stood outside the door of the GIGN Dorm since Gustave thought it would be better to have your report done here and not in the Medical Wing with all of the NightHaven members. You hesitated at first, but you finally raised your fist and knocked on the door. After a minute, Emma answered the door.

Twitch: Hi, what're you doing here?

Derek: Hello, um Gustave wanted to see me. It's my first day of my Psychological Report.

Twitch: Right, come on in and just sit down on the couch.

She opened the door all the way and you walked inside and sat down on the couch.

Twitch: Could I get you anything? Coffee, Tea, something along those lines?

Derek: I'll just have a cup of tea if that's alright.

Twitch: Green, black, ginger... Earl Grey?

Derek: I'll just have Earl Grey.

She made you a cup of tea and set it down on the table with a coaster.

Derek: Thank you darling.

Mute: Calling my girl Darling now?

You looked over and saw Mark standing in a doorway not wearing a shirt

Derek: Just being polite Mark, I'm still recovering from my last relationship so you've got nothing to worry about.

Mute: Just pissin with you.

It took you a second then a thought clicked into your mind.

Derek: I'm sorry, did I interrupt something? Because you don't have a shirt on and her clothes seem rushed.

They both looked at eachother and Mark cleared his throat

Mark: We um... might've been fooling when you knocked on the door.

Derek: I'm just gonna empty out my mind of these last 5 minutes.

You heard another door open and saw Gustave exit his room.

Doc: Oh good, you're here.

Derek: No one else in this dorm is getting knocked up right?

Doc: You learn to drown those two out. Now how're you feeling today.

Derek: I mean, I feel alright. Backs hurting a bit since I fell asleep on a chair, but I got some tea.

Doc: Good, how was your visit with Sean.

Derek: It was good, it was nice to see him recovering after that whole ordeal.

Doc: If you wouldn't mind, if you could lay down and make yourself comfortable. It's gonna be a bit of a session.

You took off your shoes and laid down on the couch resting your neck on a pillow.

Derek: If I might ask, are we keeping the company for this?

Doc: Every word you speak stays here. Harry doesn't need to read the report. Only whether I see you best fit to be cleared. Plus, it'll be a learning experience to speak your mind with others around you who aren't as close.

Derek: Well alright then.

Doc: To start things off, what was your early life like?

Derek: My early life? I'd have to say that it was peaceful. My father was still in the military so I rarely saw him in my early years, but my mother was a loving woman. She enjoyed nature and making sure we were always smiling and laughing. Mix that with Ashley and I couldn't have asked for a better family.

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