
472 4 0

Miami, Florida

Derek POV

You crouched behind a car as bullets kept coming. You peaked out and shot 2 masks before retreating back to cover. You checked your vest to see that you only had one magazine left for your HK-416C. Robert came up next to you and fired at the masks.

Demo: We can't stay here much longer, we're running low on ammo.

Derek: I know, but we can't move at all with them shooting at us with everything they've got.

You turned on your comms to the rest of your team scattered around the area.

Derek: Bravo 2-1 to Bravo team, switch to single fire, I repeat switch to single fire and time your shots.

Mickey: *on comms* They're going to figure out eventually that we're running low.

Derek: I realized that Mick. Just do as I say and don't waste your shots.

You turned off your comms and fired a round into a masks shoulder with another to his head.

Bangalore: Nice plan dumbass, really showing them.

Derek: Says the one who followed behind.

Loba: Now isn't the time for fighting, do you have a plan.

Derek: I have an idea...

You noticed that they were in tight formation so getting in the middle or even behind them, would leave them defenseless.

Derek: Loba, what does that bracelet do again?

Loba: With the ring and bracelet I can toss the bracelet and wherever it lands, I go.

Derek: Let me see them.

Loba: Just what are you planning?

Derek: A ticket out of here.

She passed you her bracelet and ring and you put the two on.

Demo: You look like a militarized James Charles.

Derek: Oh shut the fuck up.

You took off the bracelet and tossed it into the air. It flew through the air until it landed just in the middle of the masks. The masks weren't ready to see you next to them as you grabbed one and slammed your knee into his mask. You kicked another legs out and took out your knife. You slashed one in the chest and with your right hand pointed your glock at another masks face and shot. One tried to swing the butt of his rifle at you but you ducked under, grabbed the stock and handle of the gun and pulled the trigger.

You dropped the gun on the ground and walked over to the last Mask trying to crawl away. You still held your knife and crouched beside him. You dug the blade into his shoulder and lifted him up.

Derek: You have 5 seconds to tell me where the fuck Talon is or I swear to you that you'll be alive long enough to see every limp of your body cut to pieces. Do you understand me!?!

Mask: I don't know where he is, I swear.

You dug the knife deeper into his shoulder to which he let out a groan of pain.

Derek: Wrong answer, now try again. Dont test my patience.

Mask: I already told you I don't know.

Derek: You know what, maybe you're right.

You let go of the knife in his shoulder and unholstered your glock. You shot the mask in the head and holstered your glock. You retrieved your knife from his shoulder and put it back in its sheathe.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now