The Attack On Paris Part 2

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Hereford Base; Cafeteria

Mute POV

You were in the cafeteria looking at the big screen displaying all 6 body cams, you saw alot of destruction. You heard heavy breathing and looked over and saw Ashley hyperventilating. You decided to walk over to her.

Mute: You seem worried.

Ashley: This just looks really bad.

Mute: I know it does, but this squad that you're a part of, was made for things like this.

Ashley: I feel so weak for being left behind.

Mute: You're not weak, none of them think you are, your brother just cares about your safety.

Ashley: But I wish I could help them.

Mute: Trust me when I say it, Derek knows when someone isn't ready for a mission, thats why he pushed out so hard when he wanted to invade that Taliban Prison. One reason was because you were there, but another was because we weren't ready either.

Ashley: I just hope nothing happens.

Mute: Nothing will, come on, lets go sit with Emma and them. Help get your mind over things.

Ashley: I'll take your word on it.

Mute: Good, lets go.

You walked with Ashley to the girls table and sat down next to Emma.

Twitch: Hey bubs.

Mute: Hey.

Emma got close and whispered into your ear.

Twitch: That was nice of you.

Mute: It was really nothing.....

Paris, France; 30 minutes after jump...

Derek POV

Derek: Lets go double time!

You ran through an alley way, quickly roaming the destroyed streets of Paris.

Mickey: Demo watch your left, we got masks!

You fired towards the alley with masks as a bullet whizzed behind your head. You looked where it came from and saw a large group of masks.

Derek: We got more behind us!

Bulldog: We can't be out in the open like this!

Derek: Fall back into that Café for cover!

Firing towards the masks you made your way to the café. Once inside you closed the door and locked it as a few bullets went through the door.

Derek: Holy shit.

Demo: Hey wise ass, what do we do now?

Derek: Give me a second, I'm fucking thinking.

Demo: Yea well, we don't exactly have alot of time. While the national guard is getting hammered, we're sitting here with a group of masks waiting for us to come out holding eachothers co-

Derek: That's enough!

Robert walked over to a wall and put his back against and slowly sat down.

Demo: We are so fucking dead.

Derek: We won't be if you just give me a goddamn second to think of a plan.

You heard a mug fall over and shatter and all of you except for Demo, looked over pointing your weapons towards the noise. You looked over at Mickey and waved your finger forward. You both slowly walked over to the back. As you approached the opening, you swung around the corner and saw a few civilians huddled in a corner. They looked terrified.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now