Are You Even Listening?

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Flashback 2 years ago

You and your squad were meeting up with a lone squad trying to board onto a blackhawk helicopter.

Marine: Locust get you and your squad aboard we gotta get the hell outta here before that S.A.M. gets back online.

Derek: Negative, Take the rest of my squad onto the helicopter. Me, Mickey, and Bulldog'll deal with the S.A.M. goodluck.

Marine: We can get out of here before it gets online just get on.

Derek: NATO has done the calculations, we wont be far enough by the time the S.A.M. gets back online.

As you said that the S.A.M. come back online and fire missiles at a helicopter in the distance. The helicopters rotor fell off and it plummeted towards the ground, luckily there wasnt an explosion.

Marine: Damnit, ok you guys have 5 minutes after that S.A.M. is gone.

Derek: Understood. Mickey, Bulldog with me. Lets go take out this S.A.M.

Back in the present

IQ: Locust... hey... Locust... you good there?

Derek: *Snaps back to reality* huh. Wha-? Uh yea I'm fine.

IQ: Were you even listening?

Derek: Uh yea I was totally listening.

IQ: What were we talking about then.

Derek: You know, the thing... about the thing?

IQ: You werent liatening to a single aord were you.

Derek: No I wasnt.

IQ: We were talking about what movie to watch. You've been spacing out lately. For longer periods each time aswell.

Derek: I'm fine, so you decide on a movie?

IQ: That's what we're trying to figure out still.

Ela: Hey what about Night School.

IQ: Sounds good to me.

They started the movie and while it was playing you made yourself look like you were watching but really your mind was somewhere else.

Flashback 2 years ago

Mickey: Locust, you have any idea where they're coming from?

Derek: From the fucking sky like I've said for the 3rd time already.

You continued to drive the humvee through the town mwoing down and Spetznaz soldiers that were landing. You turned a corner and a BTR came out from a backyard.

Robert: BTR, everyone out now!

The BTR began to fire on the humvee. Luckily you all got out in time and ran acroas towards a backyard.

Derek: Overlord, do you copy we encountered an enemy BTR and are moving on foot. What's Alpha squads status.

Overlord: This is Overlord to Locust. Alpha Squad is still MIA last known location was at an outdoor mall complex. Standby for further orders.

Derek: With all do respect, we arent getting anywhere with that BTR here. Best course of action would be to get a predator on our location right now.

Overlord: Negative, the nearest drone was just used and has to go refuel. We recommend you stay where you're at and wait on further instructions.

Derek: Overlord we do not have enough time to stay and wait. That BTR is gonna be on our ass at any minute.

Back to the present.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now