Rescueing Bravo 2-1 Part 2

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***Hey guys, just wanted to say I'm very appreciative for 86 followers and over 100k views for both The Lone Spartan and The Good Recruit. I honestly never thought that making stories and chapters during my free time would actually catch the eyes of many people. I try to publish chapters as quickly as I can and I appreciate the feedback I recieve on chapters on whether they are lore accurate or just basic things to understand about the military. So with the The Good Recruit I feel as though I've hit a stable point with the writing where I can actually enjoy it and keep the story moving forward. With the Lone Spartan however, I've decided to rewrite the entire story. Some of the writing early on didn't make alot of sense just like the good recruit with it being rough or telling little story. And with it in its current state now, I feel as though it could use some tuning. So I'm gonna be rewriting the entire story so I can enjoy writing thag story again starting from the beginning. It is just fairly difficult writing chapters for that story in its current state and I hope everyone reading this understands where I'm coming from with how it is going now. I ditched many specifications with how I wanted the character to act, how the story should go, and how chapters kept moving forward. That is all I have to say, now enjoy the rest of the chapter***

Ducketts Grove, Ireland

Mute POV

10 Minutes Earlier

You were in a patch of trees just outside of the building with Olivier, Ashley, Mark and Franklin.

Mute: Moving towards the East entry point.

Demo: *on radio* Copy that. Alpha 2-1 are you in position?

Gerrick: Affirmative Bravo 2-3, we are approaching the south entry point.

Demo: *on radio* Bulldog what's your position on the roof.

Bulldog: *on radio* Still undetected, these S.A.S. boys really know how to get to places undetected.

Demo: *on radio* Mute, I sure as hell hope you've got a plan for your squad. Because you're in charge of extraction. Relay back to me once you're ready, Demo out.

Your comms went quit so you looked over at Olivier.

Mute: Alright, guess I'm in charge of this squad. Olivier, is your drone in place?

Lion: Its ready to be used whenever you need it.

NATO: I also added an upgrade to the drone itself, I'm being relayed intel that we can't normally see.

Mute: What kind of upgrades?

Lion: NATO here upgraded the sonar on the drone, so he can see the entire layout of the building and the individuals inside without the sound detection being noticeable.

Mute: Where are they being held.

NATO: They're a level below the building. Once we move in take a left and there should be a shelf that we need to move out of the way to reveal the stairwell.

Mute: Sounds like a plan. Ashley, you still up to do this?

Ashley: Well I'm already here so there's no going back.

Mute: Just needed to know if you were 100 percent, considering we don't know what condition your brother is in right now.

Ashley: Making sure he's safe is all I care about. Same with Mickey, he's like a second brother to me. I don't want either of them gone.

Mute: Thats all I needed to hear. *on radio* Demo we're ready.

Demo: *on radio* Good, I met up with Alpha team. On my mark people.

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