Final Project

476 2 12

Bravo Squad; Rakshasa "Demon"

NATOs Report: Elena has made yet another ground breaking advancement in her inventions with her creative mind. With the reinforced steel that helps Gilles with his Fully armored suit for more dangerous missions, Elena has created smaller yet just as protective armor pieces that attach to a fairly comfortable undersuit. The undersuit can help protect the wearer in harsh environments or be used as a way of heat in colder climates. The attached armor pieces provide additional protection against fatal blows and can save you in most situations. Let's not forget about the helmets, I'm not too fond of mine, but I'll make it work. Each helmet is connected to one another with a heads up display that shows the heartbeats of each Squad member and the condition that they are in. Yellow indicating it is minor injuries, with red meaning they require immediate medical assistance or in worst case scenarios? An evacuation. Elena really outdone herself this time, each set is perfect. If she wasn't seeing Julien, I would've kissed her on the lips. - Mark Welsh






Derek & Ashley:

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