The Man in The Suit

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Hereford Base

Derek POV

Its been a week since the little vacation you had. You had to admit it was nice to take the break from battling the terrorist threat. You also found out you were getting an old ally back. He came with Nøkk but left for a few months since he was in the Secret Service.

You headed towards the cafeteria and opened the doors. Thats when you saw him standing there. Suit and tie on with his glasses and watch. He looked like a normal gentleman until you gave him a gun.

Derek: You must be Warden.

Warden: Indeed, the names Collin McKinley.

This name sounded familiar to you. But you couldnt remember from where.

Thermite: This crazy son of a bitch helped escort the president to safety when the Russians invaded the U.S.

That's when it clicked to you. That's where you heard the name.

Warden: You alright.

Derek: Y-you were there that day.

Warden: Where are you going with this.

At this point you were getting flashbacks of that day.

Flashback 2 years ago.

Mickey: Locust get up, we're going back out there.

Derek: For what reason.

Mickey: H.V.T. house was hit and we have to go investigate what happened.

Bulldog: *tosses HK-416 to you* In other words, on your feet and off your ass. yea?

Derek: Hehe, you really know how to pias me off Bulldog.

Bulldog: I try.

Derek: So how are we engaging.

Mickey: we're doing a frontal assault with the 'Honey Badger'

Derek: Honey Badger?

Mickey: A stryker from the 8th armoured. Plan is assault through the front clearing the streets and any houses we pass.

Derek: is that why you got that stupid camera on?

Mickey: Hey, my girlfriend is a journalist, she'd kill to get up close view of the situation. This footage could get her somewhere in life.

Derek: Almost sounded like you called her a failure.

Mickey: Nah she is very creative when it comes to her work, just this *points to camera* could take it to the next level.

Derek: And what if that just shows you getting dropped by a crazy Russian.

Mickey: It's nothing we've ever experienced for. And think about it, we've gone through one of the most experience with this shit so far. Now come on lets not keep them waiting.

You all went out and saw the styker and a large group of marines.

Styker driver: Ah good Bravo Squad is here. Who's in charge for your squad.

Derek: *Steps forward* Sgt. Westbrook or Locust reporting.

Stryker Driver: alright here, *hands you laser attachment* it's a target locator. If you have trouble pushing back resistance point this at it and we'll take care of it.

Derek: *takes attachment* thanks but It'll be better if I give it to NATO, he's more of the specialist in our squad.

Stryker driver: Give whoever you want it. It's just a means of where to fire when needed.

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