The Footage

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Hereford Base

Derek POV

You watched as Grace pulled up the tablet screen onto the big screen in the cafeteria. While she was doing this you were terrified, not because you didnt want to relive that those days, but that it was the worst you could've experienced during your time in the military. She pulled up the video and you weren't exactly excited to say the least.

Thermite: Hey uh Grace?

Dokkaebi: Yea?

Thermite: Wrong recording.

Dokkaebi: What do you mean? Oh wait, whoops. Here we go.

The screen went black until some writing was on the screen

*Camera Active

Cpl. Freeman... Bravo Squad 

August 14th, 2018

The group in the cafeteria watched as a man played with a ball. Throwing it against the wall to watch it bounce back and catch it. the man repeated this process a few more times until a man came walking up to him.

????: Come on mickey, on your feet.

Mickey: We're going back out there alright Locust?

Derek: Yea, we are. Lt. just gave the plan to storm the Department of Commerce.

Mickey: I'm really not liking our odds here.

Derek: None of us are, now come on Bulldog and Robert are waiting just outside on the stairwell.

Mickey: *Primes M4* lead the way.

You watched as the recording of Mickey followed you to the stairwell. Passing wounded soldiers and others trying to help them.

Patch: Private where the hell is that gauze. I can't hold this wound forever I need to cover it.

Private: Right here sir.

Patch: Don't take forever next time alright?

Private: sorry sir.

Marine: We got wounded here. shot in the abdomen and was hit with shrapnel.

Medic: Put him down and put pressure on the wounds.

Marine: Yessir.

you watched as he put the other marine down and heard the grueling sound he gave off when being treated.

Wounded Marine: AH Just fuckin kill me already.

Medic: Not gonna happen.

Mickey arrived at the stairwell and the group saw two new faces.

Derek: robert, Bulldog, you two ready?

Bulldog: We've been ready, Patch not coming?

Derek: He's too busy helping wounded.

Mickey: NATO is also helping with communications since they keep taking a shit every 5 minutes.

Robert: So that only leaves four of us.

Derek: Lets not keep the Lt. Waiting, lets move.

Everyone: Ooora

The recording showed from Mickeys perspective and you four going from a jog, to seeing the seriousness of the event. The sky was orange, helicopters saured through the air both Russian and American. An M1 tank was firing towards the Department of Commerce and the Washington Monument was cracked and missing pieces.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now