New Motives

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Hereford Base; Bravo Squad Dorm

July 2, 2021; 9:43 AM

Derek POV

You zipped up your duffel bag and placed it on the counter as you looked over towards Sean and Mark who were sitting on the couch scrolling through channels on the TV

Mickey: Nothing but the same shit, different day.

NATO: Yea, with Nighthaven getting their names out there and growing tension around the world with the white masks. It never ends.

Mickey: See now that's the other thing, nighthaven suddenly coming out? Since when did they do that.

Derek: Ever since WE practically humiliated them. I'm going on a bodyguard task, I ask that you guys decide who trains Omaha today.

Mickey: Train the Rooks? Yawn.

Derek: Sean it isn't that deep, just talk amongst yourselves and make sure they get proper training done today, they're part of our task force now.

NATO: With all due respect, you never really came to talk to us about having them be inducted into our task force.

Derek: Mark, what did I tell you?

NATO: That your "communication" rules are only broken by yourself?

Derek: If you make the rule, you can break it.

Mickey: We'll just draw straws, now get the fuck out or you'll miss your plane.

You strapped on your shoulder pad and picked up your bag and headed towards the door. Before you walked out, you turned to Sean and gave a jerking motion to which he flips you off for. You exited out of the base and walked over to the plane that Marius was standing in front of.

Derek: Marius, how we doin man?

Jäger: Oh same old, going in gear?

Derek: Yea might aswell, it's only a day event right?

Jäger: Ja, or in other words figure out what I'm going to do for 12 hours.

Derek: Not going to the event?

Jäger: Nein, it's be easier to just stick by the plane so when we're ready to go, I can go as soon as possible.

Derek: So just the usual, sleep it off.

Jäger: Pretty much, the others should be arriving soon. So if you want to, you could take your seat and just wait it out.

Derek: Seems you could use the company.

Jäger: Appreciate it, but I would highly recommend it, I didn't read the label on the gummis I ate and each bear was 100 mgs.

Derek: And how many did you have?

Jäger: The entire bag, so 10.

Derek: Oh my Christ how are you still conscious?

Jäger: I could not answer tha- Nevermind, this stuff is really starting to kick in.

Derek: I'm just going to step onto the plane now.

Jäger: Watch your step.

You stepped into the plane and sat down in a seat and leaned back in your chair. After a few minutes the operators partaking in the event stepped into the plane and each had a surprised face to see you sitting there

Derek: What?

Ela: Um, nothing. Just wasn't expecting to see you here early.

Derek: Ela, you've known me for almost a year, when have I not been early to something. But that does ask the question, where are your patches?

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