The Joint Operation

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Hereford Base; Helipad

Date: June 10th, 2021

Time: 9:56 A.M.

Derek POV

You stood near the Helipad with the rest of your squad excluding Ashley who went back with her husband to Ohio for a longer vacation. Harry approached your squad as you all stood at attention.

Harry: At ease.

He stood infront of the six of you as he spoke up.

Harry: Sorry to suddenly interrupt on your vacation, but I didn't have anyone else capable of undergoing this job.

NATO: What is this job?

Harry: I'll be more in depth once they arrive.

Demo: "They"?

Harry: This is going to be a joint operation, you'll be joined up with a squad slightly larger then yours known as the Apex Predators.

Patch: The Apex Predators? As in the group of mercenaries who help the highest bidder?

Harry: I wouldn't call them mercenaries, they have each been uniquely chosen to be a part of this organization and are paid well for their jobs, they might not get as dirty as you, but they are as skilled.

He checked his watch and looked behind him where the Helipad was.

Harry: And they seem to also always be running late.

You heard the sound of a helicopter I the distance and soon landed. The doors slid open revealing quite oddly dressed operators. You felt a tap on your arm and turned to Robert.

Demo: Check out the one with the braids, she has all the things I like.

Derek: Would you focus for 5 seconds, we're on a mission with them and then they're gone, so don't get attached.

Harry approached the group and welcomed them.

Harry: Welcome to Hereford Base team Apex.

????: Its a little grey around here, wouldn't you think?

Harry: We have nicer days, but I do believe introductions should be put into place.

He turned back to you and your squad and motioned for you all to step forward.

Harry: This is the squad who'll be joining you on this operation.

????: They don't look like much, you sure they can handle this task?

Harry cleared his throat and looked at you.

Harry: Lieutenant, care to introduce yourself?

You stepped forward to Harry and the woman

Derek: Lieutenant Derek Westbrook, I'm the leader of this taskforce.

Loba: Well aren't you a Handsome young man, my name is Loba Andrade.

Derek: Interesting name, we'll start off with introductions and then Harry can explain what he needs us for.

After introductions were made with both squads, Harry finally spoke up in why you were here.

Harry: Miami is still under white mask control. They have access to the city network and are roaming the streets.

Loba: Theres a H.V.T. in Miami that we need alive, he is one of the higher ranking masks who are calling the shots and he has answers to questions we need answered.

Harry: Apexs' priority is that H.V.T., your mission is to retake Miami from mask control.

NATO: With all due respect Harry, we've been in Miami before, it's not in our favor even if we have an additional unit.

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