It's a Trap

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Hereford Base

Derek POV

After talking to Ryad about what you've been hiding about your life, you felt really great the next day. you trusted him enough to not walk around spilling your secrets and telling people what you looked like. Because in the end, you both were very much alike when it came down to what has happened in your life. You got out of bed and into more casual clothing with your balaclava. You opened the door to your dorm and headed towards the gym. You went inside and your normal workout. You lifted weights, ran 5km, and did pushups and pullups. After your workout you went back to your dorm to go take a shower. When you got back to your dorm you saw a note on your door.

         Dear Locust,
                 Sorry for the long wait for the rest of your stuff. They didn't exactly have an exact location of where you lived so it was more difficult to find your belongings. Anyways, the rest of your stuff has just arrived and they are waiting inside your dorm.   -Harry

You had to admit, this made your day even better. Because you've been waiting too long for this. You walked into your dorm and you were right, laying on your bed was a box filled with some of your uniforms and also another box carrying a few panels of acoustic studio foam wedges. The last thing on your bed was a guitar case that had your Sterling MAJ100. You decided to put the panels up and were happy to say the least.

Speaker: Could recruit Locust report to briefing room 2 in full gear?

You put the guitar back in its case and got into your combat gear

You put the guitar back in its case and got into your combat gear

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A/N: I'll do an updated bio of outfits later

You grabbed your Rifle and Sidearm and headed to briefing room 2. You arrived at the briefing room and walked in.

Derek: What's your orders.

Harry: There's been a bomb reported in a neighborhood in Miami.

Derek: You're sending just me sir?

Harry: I would never send someone alone on a mission, operators Lion and Fuze along with two other recruits were already debriefed and are waiting out in the helicopter.

Derek: Why not just debrief me with them.

Harry: Because I would like to monitor through your POV. Heres a camera you can mount onto your chest.

Derek: Is there a reason for this?

Harry: Just to see what you do in the field to make a report for you since you dont really have one for others to read.

Derek: Understandable.

Harry: Anyways you're needed so start heading to the helipad.


You walked out of the room and jogged to the helipad. Everyone was already waiting so you got into the chopper and sat down.

Fuze: Ah good we atleast have one recruit to rely on.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now