The Unsactioned Operation Part 3

506 10 13

Moscow; Russia

Derek POV

You drew your fist back as you quickly threw it forward at Hawk. He grabbed your fist and moved it to the side, slowly twisting it. You gritted your teeth in pain as he bent your arm. You tried using your other fist, but he caught that one aswell.

Hawk: You're nothing without a gun in your hands. All you have, is that thick skull of yours.

After saying that, you stepped closer and drew your head back and headbutted him. He was unphased by this and let go of your arms. He grabbed you by your vest and did the same back. Cracking his mask and causing you to stagger.

Hawk: I can see why they used to call you Locust, because you are just so annoying to deal with. You just don't know when to give up. But you know what that makes me?

Derek: A pain in my ass.

Hawk: An Exterminator.

He started to charge at you, you tried to move out of the way but he quickly turned and punched you in the face and then reached his hands out and grabbed you by the head. He drew your head down into his knee and slammed it into your face. You went to gain more distance away from him but he moved closer to you and kicked you to the ground.

Hawk: The man who can read any form of CQC, nothing but a myth.

You struggled to get back up. Every movement you made was more painful than the last. You managed to get back on your feet and stare at Hawk, breathing heavily.

Hawk: And he's managed to get back up.

Derek: You just... don't know when to... shut up.. do you?

Hawk: I think once I'm through with you and your squad of misfits. I'll pay a visit to your base or better yet, Go to Ohio. I heard you're an Uncle, 5 year old niece, gonna be turning 6 in a few days.

Derek: Shut.. up.

Hawk: How tragic would she have to hear that her mommy wouldn't be there to see her turn 6. Or better yet see her dead father under my foot.

Derek: I said.. shut up.

Hawk: Am I pinching a nerve? Because here I see a beaten and battered young man desperately attempting to stop something that can't be beat. Anna really lost her life for a nobody, what a waste.

You looked past Hawk and noticed your group was struggling just as much as you were. You took a deep breath and exhaled before starting to walk towards Hawk.

Hawk: And here we go again. Do you just not learn from your previous attempts?

You ignored him and kept walking towards him. You could hear the frustration in his breathing as he went to throw a punch at you. Moving to the side and jabbing him in the abdomen, you kicked his leg out from under him. He lost his footing so you grabbed him by his vest and pushed him to the ground.

You started to make your way to the other two enhanced. They noticed and stopped going after your squad and turned their attention to you.

Derek: Forget about the enhanced, Demo take everyone further into the facility and finish the mission.

Demo: What about you?

Derek: I'll hold them off as long as I can.

You could see he thought about it for a second before finally giving in to the plan.

Demo: You heard the boss, lets go!

They ran by you as one of the enhanced tried to go after them. You stepped in front of them and grabbed their arm after they tried to throw a punch at you. You brought their arm out and raised your own. You slammed your elbow into their bicep while bending their elbow with your knee. Applying force you heard their arm snap. The three regrouped in front of you as the one they called Falcon winced as they held their broken arm.

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