Armed and Dangerous

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Hereford Base

1 week later...

Derek POV:

After our recruitment into rainbow six, Harry decided to give us a few days to adjust to the new lifestyle. This week was rough though since the recruits decided to put such a bad name on you. You always kept on thinking about speaking out thag you were different but there wasnt a point since they wouldnt believe you anyway, so you just let it happen.

You begin to exit your dorm in full gear with your balaclava on to go down to the shooting range to begin training. As expected you knew right away that the man in charge was thatcher.

Even though he was a grumpy and old man, you always admired him because he was someone you always wanted to be. Even though he saw you as the rest you couldnt blame him, but you always told yourself that they shouldnt judge a person who was a part of the same crowd becuase not everyone is the same as the rest, but only time will tell.

You went to the armory and grabbed your hk416 and glock 19 gen 3, and started to make your way to the shooting range. When you got there you got into the line with the recruits.

Thatcher: Alright greenies today we will test your aim and see how well you do on the field. While at the range targets will pop up in a certain order and for a limited time, your job is to test your reflex time and see how accurate you can be with your shots.

One bye one recruits went up to the range and fired their weapons, most wwre pretty awful while others just mag dumped until they hit the target or their shoulder gave out.

Thatcher: alright last but not least is Locust.

You held onto your rifle and stepped up to the range, you turned the safety off and watched as the targets started to pop up and one by one the targets went down just as fast they went up. After your test was over you turned the safety back on and let the rifle just dangle across your back.

Thatcher: 97% accuracy, good work lad.

Derek: *Nods*

Thatcher: that'll be all for today.

Recruit 1: later gramps.

The rest of the recruits started laughing while walking away.

Thatcher: *yells* tomorrow you sad sack of c*nts are running double.

You start to walk up to the thatcher and  help him clean up the range a bit. Then you head off back to your dorm.

Timeskip 2 weeks.

For the next 2 weeks it was just constant trianing, no missions yet. Although i guess news spread that you werent as bad as the rest of the recruits so people started to treat you less harsh, but still it didnt seem like a huge difference. You woke up alittle earlier than usual, its actually been happening alot recently since old memories are coming back to your head. You decide to head to the cafeteria to get something to drink. As you walk in you see a man sitting at a table by himself. You proceeded to make a cup if coffee and sat across from him. By the looks of it seems he hasnt gotten sleep in days.

Derek: everything ok?

???: Why should a recruit like you care.

Derek: because well, unlike the others, im not an asshole

???: i still dont trust you.

Derek: alright well if you dont trust me then i guess i'll just have to prove you can trust me.

???: how would you do that.

Derek: because i trust you wouldnt tell anyone about this. *you proceed to pull down your hood and take off you balaclava* names Derek Westbrook or Locust, whats yours.

Jackal: My name is Ryad Ramírez Al-Hassar or Jackal.

Derek: may i ask what you're doing uo so early?

Jackal: i could ask you the same.

Derek: just old memories are starting to cloud my mind again. Past few days i've been waking up early in a cold sweat.

Jackal: i'm slrry to hear that.

Derek: hey we all have soemthing we arent comfortable with. It just takes time to trust people to know your story. Thats why i dont show my face or talk.

Jackal: its just A subject i dont really like to talk about.

Derek: i respect your answer, if you need something just speak freely, im always able to listen. We're alot more connected than you think.

Jackal: whats that supposed to mean?

Derek: there's subjects we dont like to bring up, let alone try to forget, but then it just comes back worse than before. You should try to get sleep my friend. *you put your balaclava on and start to stand up*

Jackal: before you go, i just wanna apologize for treating you poorly, i'll let the others know to lay off you.

Derek: dont be everyone just assumes that everyone is like the rest. And also dont, i want them to realize on their own that you shoukd judge a person just because of the group they're in. I'll see you later Ryad.

You start to walk out of the cafeteria and as you do a small spanish woman starts walking towards the door so you just hold it open, she gives you a quick glare and proceeds to walk into the cafeteria sitting down with Ryad.

Derek: *thought* you're welcome

You get back to your dorm and lay down again, just trying to squeeze in a few more hours of sleep.

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now