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Sanfransisco, California

Derek POV

You woke up the next morning and went to the bathroom to take a shower. You got out, dried off, and got dressed into your uniform. You walked out of the bathroom and went over to the coffee pot and made a cup of coffee.

Mickey: You're ready a bit early.

Derek: Can never be unready for anything that happens. 

Mickey: You're right about that. You ready for another eventful day?

Derek: You already know. So where're we meeting them again?

Mickey: Same spot as last time.

Derek: Alright.

You finished the cup of coffee and put the mug in the sink. You grabbed your balaclava and hat and sunglasses and put them on. You grabbed you glock and holstered it on your thigh. You looked over at Mickey and gave him a slight nod which he returned and you both exited the hotel and started to head towards the stadium. When you arrived the group was there again.

Badger: And our bodyguards have arrived.

Derek: Yea well, safe to say no one will be messing with ya.

Badger: Ja.

Derek: You know German?

Badger: Yea, wusste es für eine Weile (known it for awhile)

Grouse: He took a course on that language because he liked a girl who took it.

Derek: Well then. dann sind wir schon zu zweit (that makes two of us)

Badger: You took it because of a girl?

Derek: Nah, I just studied the language since it fascinated me. Plus it's always better to scream German vocabulary at people without them understanding.

Mickey: Training days werent so fun sometimes.

Derek: Oh come on you know you enjoyed being called a schmutzige Hure Tasche. (Dirty Whore Bag)

Mickey: No, and I'm still mad that I dont know what that means.

Badger: He called you a dirty whore bag.

Derek: And now I'll have to think of a new term to call you.

Mickey: Yea well I've got a translator now.

Derek: Die Freundin wird gerade von einem anderen Mann verfolgt. ( Your Girlfriend is getting dogged by another man right now)

Mickey: Hey uh, wanna translate that?

Badger: You dont even wanna know.

Mickey: Shit.

Your radio started to turn on so you decided to figure out why.

Derek: This is Locust what's going on.

Harry: Theres been an attack downtown near you guys I need you guys to just hold them out until I can get a squad there.

Derek: Attack? Six we dont see anything out of the ordinary.

Mickey also joined in the call.

Mickey: Yea we havent even noticed anythi-

He was cut off by an explosion in the distance followed by screams of terror.

Derek: Take that back, we're going.

Harry: Be Careful.

Derek: Locust out.

Mickey: We going?

The Good Recruit Male OC x R6 Where stories live. Discover now