
414 5 3

Las Vegas, Nevada

July 10th, 2021

Derek POV

You stepped foot out of your car with Mark as you stood outside of the bar. You wore a sleeveless hoodie and jeans with a bandana wrapped around your face

NATO: This is the place, although I don't understand the need for disguise.

Derek: It's what they told you to wear, right?

NATO: They did say to wear something more... gang themed.

Derek: Well probably because this bar looks shady as fuck, let's just get inside and meet up with them before the prostitutes come out.

You walked inside the bar and looked towards the back to see the group at a booth. You and Mark walked over and sat down

David: Just the two of you?

Derek: Well, yea. Kinda thought we were getting more information.

He leaned over and started to whisper in Falcons ear

David: You did tell them that this was the real deal, right?

Falco: I thought I did.

David: Shit.

Derek: No going back now, what do you got?

David: Plan was you two go behind enemy lines, we know where she's being held, just not exactly where at.

Derek: What do you mean by that?

David: Down the street, there's a run down laundromat that a gang has picked up as their hideout, our friend Lucy-

Rebecca: *scoffs* Friend

David: Point is, they've got her there. She's our second hacker. We'll need you two to get inside, act as if you're doing an arms deal, find out where she is, then signal us. You two will attack from the inside while we move in from the outside.

Derek: Sounds easy enough, consider it done.

NATO: But, Colt.

Derek: Mark, we'll be fine. We'll keep it low this time since it's just the two of us.

NATO: Sure hope you're right about this.

David: We rolling with this plan?

Derek: Yea, you got any Submachine guns to spare? We came with nothing.

David: Don't know, let's ask... Becca?

Rebecca: Yea yea yea, come back around the alley. Got something you can use.

You followed the group outside and around towards the alleyway where their vehicle was located. Rebecca opened up the trunk to reveal a crate that was slid out and placed on the floor. You opened the crate and picked up a modified Colt 9mm

Derek: Colt 9mm? Nice.

NATO: You would choose that.

Derek: Says the one holding an MP9.

NATO: I'll have you know, these things are light and versatile. Perfect for close quarters.

Derek: Yea? When it comes to mid to long range engagements you stand around with your thumb stuck up your ass.

NATO: Yea yea whatever. I expect a thank you next time we have steady comms.

You placed a few mags on your waist and closed the crate. You picked up a Colt Elite Defender

Derek: Don't really have a wide variety of Sidearms do ya?

Rebecca: Eh, who needs em.

Derek: Considering I'm holding a defender as my chosen sidearm? I think they're important.

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