Base Invaders

366 4 1

Hereford Base; Bravo Squad Dorm

July 21st, 2021

9:52 AM

Derek POV

Your team was scattered around the dorm listening to Mark as he read off what he found from his laptop

NATO: To pretty much sum everything up, Felix was never actually dead. After being shot 3 times, the blood loss he gained caused him to slip into a comatose state.  After the battle, Miller was informed of this and instead of updating his status, he had a team transport him to a secure facility along the Gulf of Mexico. After a recent op, the team found the facility abandoned, with little to no traces of where they could've gone. That was over two months ago.

Patch: I don't understand how that's possible, I felt no pulse.

Demo: You sure you checked the right spot?

Patch: I was panicking, but he still should've showed signs before he slipped.

Derek: We'll figure that out later, Mark is there anything else?

NATO: Nothing that points in a general area to look, just other black mask bases. And since Felix's information was apart of the black mask files, there have been no other ops to attack those bases, just info on where they are.

Derek: So, they're free for us to take.

NATO: Pretty much, yes. But this one was abandoned, who knows how many of these bases are abandoned or even occupied.

Derek: How many bases are there?

NATO: From what they know?... just one. Besides the one in the Gulf, the other one is in Missouri.

Derek: Alright, let's round up who we have and get down to the briefing room. I'll call my sis and have her grab the rest of Omaha and to meet at the briefing room.

Your squad put on their balaclavas and exited the room while you reached into your pocket and grabbed your phone. You called Ashley and told her to grab Omaha and to meet at the briefing room.

Hereford Base; Briefing Room 1

July 21st, 2021

You stood at the head of the table waiting for the girls to show up. You looked over at Mark who was on his laptop and quickly looked back over towards the door that opened. The girls walked in and sat down

Derek: Any questions before we start?

Kenzie: Yea, this gonna be the one that lasts an hour?

Derek: If you ask another stupid question like that? Then yes.

She sank into her seat and you looked over at Mark

Derek: It's not too bad, just gonna be taking a field trip for the next week or so.

Ava: Where are we going?

Derek: To the states, and if this runs perfectly, shouldn't have any issues. And so long as nobody does anything stupid, we shouldn't. I'm looking at you two.

You pointed to Franklin and Robert who glanced at each other and back to you

Demo: Alright, that was horseshit at how they found out.

Patch: You tripped on the fucking sidewalk while we were tailing the dude.

Derek: I'm hoping that with a somewhat full strength squad will make a difference, don't be stupid.

Patch: We'll try our best not to.

Derek: With that being said we can start, the mission we're going on involves a black mask base in Missouri. No idea whether it's abandoned or still in use, so it'd be best if we keep our guard up at all times. No screw ups, last thing we need is to be down another member.

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