The Unsactioned Operation Part 1

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Location: Moscow, Russia

Date: June 3rd, 2021

Time: 1:24 AM

3rd Person POV

A cliff edge masked in trees was in view. Static chatter from a radio was heard getting closer with the crunching of snow. The radio became more clear as 3 people laid down on the edge of the cliff overlooking a facility.

Derek: *on radio* Mickey, you reach the vantage point?

Mickey: Affirmative Colt, we have eyes on the facility. Just like last time.

Derek: *on radio* I need you to get eyes on Demo, he went down the trail to set up traps with Kapkan. See if you can get a sight on them.

Mickey looked through the scope of his Mk14. EBR as he followed the trail. He then stopped once he saw two figures dressed in white setting up a wire across two trees.

Mickey: I have eyes on the two.

Derek: *on radio* Good, we're much more hidden, but Glaz should be able to see us through his thermal scope.

Mickey motioned for Glaz to look for the rest of the ground team. He looked through the scope of his OTS-03. He noticed the group through a patch of trees.

Glaz: I have eyes on the ground team, they thermal is hard to pick up but they're there.

Mickey: Copy that.

Derek: *on radio* How many targets do you guys see?

Mickey: Fucking hell, you ask alot of questions.

Derek: *on radio* Just look through the Goddamn scope.

The three snipers all looked through their scopes to count 23 targets.

Mickey: We've got 23 tangos. 3 at the main gate, 15 at the east entrance, 2 at the west entrance, and 3 on the roof.

Ashley: Why so little defense on the west?

NATO: *on radio* It isn't a very open area, so only a couple would be needed. Even so, they have 3 on the roof which would help support that side if needed.

Ashley: Gotcha.

Another person joined in from Mickeys radio.

Demo: Traps are set, nothing is coming in or out of that trail.

Derek: *on radio* Copy that, get back here ASAP so we can begin the second phase.

Demo: *on radio* Affirmative, making our way back now.

Mickey moved his sights back over to the two as they disappeared into the trees and darkness. He reached over and turned off his radio as he turned to Ashley.

Mickey: I don't need to say this to Timur since he knows a thing or two about sniping, but pick your targets and make sure you get the kill.

Ashley: I'll be sure to do that.

Mickey: Remember, They're relying on us to make sure they get in and out safely, we can't fuck this up.

Ashley: *sarcastic* That makes me feel better.

Mickey turned his radio back on.

Mickey: Whats your status on Demo and Kapkan.

Derek: *on radio* They've regrouped with us. We have eyes on the two guards but we do not see any of the three on the roof.

Mickey: Copy that, we'll handle them.

Mickey looked over at the two as he signaled to be ready to fire at the 3 on the roof.

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