Meeting The Family

703 7 2

Dallas, Texas

Derek POV

You reached the Freeman Household and were awestruck at how large the place was. The two vehicles parked in the drive way as everyone got out.

Derek: Sean, where and how did you even afford this?

Mickey: Harry found out I was getting married so he was kind enough to give me money for a nice and safe environment for me to relax at.

Jaeger: I never even got paid that much.

Mickey: Well I guess it's just s thank you for all that I do.

Demo: All that YOU do!?! What about us?

Derek: You? What about me? I've almost died multiple times.

Demo: That was your dumbass fault each time.

Bulldog: Dereks dumb, but he does have balls to look death in the eye.

Veronica: Oh right, that reminds me.

She walked over to you and slapped you across the face. You held your cheek as you down at her.

Derek: Ow! What gives!?!

Veronica: Thats for getting yourself captured.

Derek: Sean got captured aswell!

Veronica: I do have to thank you though for taking most of the hits.

Derek: Could've just said that instead of the slap.

Veronica: You do realize that you're just as close to me as Sean is.

Derek: I know that, but where's the fun in that?

Patch: Your life.

Bulldog: Future unemployment.

NATO: Living on the streets with survivors guilt.

Derek: What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

NATO: Well that is what most of the data shows for unemployed veterans. You risk your life and they just toss you aside like nothing.

Mickey: Yea well, I'd say I'm pretty stacked for retirement after this is all over.

Bulldog: We still going sleeveless if this shit don't de-escalate?

Derek: Build some muscle in those arms and yea.

Bulldog: Whats wrong with my arms?

Derek: You have lunch lady arms John.

Bulldog: My mama always told me that I was strong.

Demo: Must've been very good at lying if she was able to cheat on your dad aswell.

Bulldog: How did you know about that.

Derek: You were crying for a week and every activity you did, you made it depressing.

You heard a set of car doors close as you all turned to see who it was.

James: Are we interrupting something?

You were pushed out of the way By Ashley as she ran up to him and hugged him.

Ashley: How are my 2 favorite soldiers.

Jane: Good mommy.

You watched the 3 talk when you felt a nudge on your shoulder. You turned to Sean and stared at him with a questioning stare.

Mickey: What? That's your sister's family, go introduce yourself.

Derek: I was getting ready to jack ass.

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