The Punishment

788 11 12

Hereford Base

Time 8:35 A.M.

Derek POV

Thunderbird landed the helicopter on a Helipad outside of the base. You and your team all hopped off as you all walked into the base. You opened the door into the cafeteria while still telling the others what happened when you were alone with the enhanced.

Derek: Anyways, after breaking Falcons arm, he went to throw another punch. I grabbed his fist, and bent it backwards. Next thing I know, Hawk is getting up with the knife in his hands and throws it towards me.

Bulldog: Well you're alive so I'll take it he missed.

Derek: *laughs* Fuck no, I made Falcon a meat shield and it killed him. That's when Hawk decided to inje- oh... bollocks.

Harry: Ahem.

You motioned for your squad to go sit down as the Russians walked away to go to their own.

Derek: Harry.. What're you doing here? You're never normally here unless it was for an announcement.

Harry: You know why I'm here.

Derek: Do I? Because all I can say is that Thunderbird is a very good pilot. Those test flights were wild.

Harry: Cut the act, we traced your location to Moscow, Russia.

Derek: Well you're no fun.

Harry: Do you have any idea what you could've had happen?

Derek: Not a fuckin' clue.

Harry: You stepped into Russian territory, brought my own operators to an area that could've gotten them killed, and if the Russians knew Americans touched down on their soil, they would've started another war. Not to mention, you didn't have my authority to go through with the mission.

Derek: Ops are always better when they're under the radar.

Harry: This is no time to be joking around Derek.

Derek: Fine fine. Did you a solid and took out the enhanced. Least you can say, is thank you.

Harry: You're lucky that it WAS undetected. So I'll keep your punishment simple.

Derek: What am I a child?

Harry: You don't act like an adult.

Derek: *mumbles* True.

Harry: I have a squad of female recruits coming in tomorrow. Your job is to train them for the next week.

Derek: Oh that's bullshit, why do I have to waste my time with a bunch of recruits?

Harry: Because you decided to do a mission without my authority.

Derek: We're a separate branch Harry, my missions, my own authority.

Harry: But there are rules you still don't understand. You may have authority for YOUR squad, but you don't have authority over my operators. If they're involved, I'm involved.

You rolled your eyes and looked at Harry.

Derek: Fine, you win this time.

Harry: Glad you can learn, you'll be training them tomorrow morning. And also due to your efforts, I'm allowing you guys to take a full week off to relax and recover. Just let me know if you got anywhere first.

Derek: Atleast you can see the positives, thanks Harry

He left the cafeteria and you went to go sit with your squad.

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