Operation KingFish

755 5 0

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee

June 30th, 2021

Derek POV

You strapped your chest piece into place and moved around in your new suit, moved your arms around, and also twisted your body. It felt odd, but it also felt comfortable.

Derek: I really don't know about you, but I have this odd feeling, but I also feel comfortable at the same time.

Mickey: You're not the only one, plus it's going to feel odd knowing that my night vision lenses don't flip up, I have to switch them on and off. Hopefully Elena could change that in the future.

NATO: She did say she'll be making more pieces, but she just wanted to get everything out because she had a feeling we'd be put in this situation.

Derek: What, about to make an advance on an abandoned facility containing a deadly virus with a platoon of the U.S. Army?

NATO: Well not exactly this situation, but she thought we'd be in an even shittier situation sooner or later. We most likely would've died if it weren't for the prototypes while liberating Miami.

Mickey: I wouldn't consider nearly dying, a victory.

Demo: Yea speaking of which, Derek.

Derek: Yo.

Demo: How did it feel nearly dying, I'm sure you got a good feel of God's left tit before you woke up.

Derek: For the record, I was in a coma. The only thing I saw was my father, and a group of dickheads trying to take off my helmet.

Ashley: A group of people tried to see your identity?

Derek: Yes, they have no respect to those bleeding out on the fucking road.

Demo: It was Miami, that shit happens atleast 3 times a day there.

Derek: Yea, yea. Just get everything sorted out and be ready to leave. I gotta go say goodbye.

NATO: I'll come with you aswell, I have to set something up for Matt anyway. The theater room would be perfect.

You left the living room and walked upstairs. You went down the hall until you reached the theater room. You creaked open the door and noticed they were awake, so you proceeded to open the door fully.

Derek: Getting ready to headout, thought I'd atleast say goodbye.

The two sisters came up and gave you a hug as Mark shrugged past the three of you and started to hook something up to the projector while also setting up a radio.

Derek: Mark, the hell are you doing?

NATO: Well, since Matt said he wanted to enlist when he came of age, might aswell let him in on our radio chatter and access to your helmet cam.

Derek: My helmet has a camera?

NaTO: All of ours do, however I feel like he should only focus on one, he's gotta see how a leader works through a leaders eyes.

Derek: Oh here we go again with the leader shit. I'm not too thrilled still with being in charge of a whole platoon of soldiers.

NATO: It was bound to happen again soon. They're gonna need someone like you out there.

He turned a dial and stood back up. He walked over to grab the remote and changed and changed the screen on the projector to your helmet that was laying on the table downstairs.

NATO: There we go, everything is all hooked up. Be sure to let Matt know about this yea?

Silvana: I'll let him know.

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